Are illegals now allowed to vote in elections?
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Director of ICE, appointed by President Biden, has released a report of the number of criminals deliberately brought into the United States.
by liam inthe director of ice appointed by biden couldn't contain anymore what the biden administration was secretly hiding from the american people and congress.
so he released his report a few days ago to congress, and revealed that hundreds of thousands of criminals and terrorists from afghanistan were being flown into the country in private planes during the night and releasing them into all the states.
this is not a republican report.
Where is Tony?
by Athanasius inon february 22, 2023, anthony morris iii was officially removed from the governing body of jehovah's witnesses.
a few months later it was revealed that the watchtower bought him a house in lumberton, north carolina.. however, and correct me if i am wrong, since leaving the gb nobody has reported seeing tony attending jw meetings or participating in field service.
in fact nobody has reported seeing him anywhere, not even at a local liquor store.
The second house, which is very close to Anthony Morris' is tax free since it is owned by the Watchtower.
Whose living there? I thought that it may have been bought as a place for his sons, who are Bethelites, to stay when they visit their parents as they wouldn't want them associating with the local congregation and put them under pressure for gossip or to make it more convenient for them to visit regularly and not have to live at their parents house and be under their influence.
But, there's another possibility and it goes with my theory that Morris had either injured himself whilst drunk or that he has an illness brought on by too much drinking. Maybe a JW nurse (and family) is staying there to look after him. The cost would be minimal, being a full time worker for the Watchtower.
rant about the stupidty of JW r/f
by enoughisenough inputting this under beliefs,doctrine and practices because i don't see a better heading.
here is what i have been thinking for years now and the situation with the recent storms and the devastation brings in closer to home in my thinking.
i lived in western nc for 20 years and moved to wv in feb of this year.
Enough is enough “I do have a thought about what/why the studio is being built, but some would think me a crazy conspiracy theorist.”
If you don’t mind, I’d like to hear your idea. The org is too secretive and we are often left to speculate.
I was just looking at their Watchtower studio for their monthly broadcasts and wondered the following-
They teach Satan is the ruler of this world so why do they have a picture of the world and not focus on something more spiritual?
They also put their logo up, just JW. Why? It becomes a symbol when it doesn’t explain anything to the viewer. It becomes a bit of advertising at best. But surely the focus should be on Jehovah (and Jesus) and the heavenly kingdom.
Even in the congregations, they choose an annual text and put that up to display.
Marcial--News and Update on Atlantis!
by Atlantis innews on the person you call (atlantis!).
(before he came to simon's board he was called the twin, the crawler, the titan, the scanner, and many other names to hide his identity.
he has never been caught and to this day the watchtower society has never known who he was.
Dear Petra, it was so apparent how much Atlantis treasured you and no doubt, you are a great comfort to him.
Thank you for your beautiful and wise words that Atlantis would echo.
WTS 2024 Annual Business Meeting ...
by careful in... is just three weeks from this saturday.
the org has been tight-lipped, really, successfully secret about advance info on these in recent years,.
now that these relatively recent changes on dress and grooming, reporting fs time, judicial matters, etc.
I think the organization is trying to distance itself from being viewed as a cult or having more extreme beliefs and practices. It's causing them numerous problems, such as problems are with Governments, being socially accepted, trying to recruit new members and causing JWs to leave.
It's possible they'll come up with more changes to doctrines, simply saying 'they just don't know'.
Birthdays, mother's/father's day and other special days not considered to be pagan by them may be allowed.
Reducing the workloads even further by removing the mid week meetings might be on the cards. Transferring that saved time and resources into more direct involvement to benefit the Watchtower.
Reddit thread about Bethel Reducing Headcount
by LongHairGal inapparently, the downsizing is still happening and from what i read those let go are over 50!.
sad because these people expected to be lifers.
now they have to make their way in the world at an advanced age with no education or desirable skill!..
“3rdgenan hour ago
I can't think of any legal grounds for a terminated Bethelite to sue. First, No one is HIRED. Also, Bethelites SIGN a VOW OF POVERTY. They are completely aware that ALL their work there is voluntary.”
Here in Australia, no one can give legal or financial advice unless they are qualified. Often contracts will include statements saying that seeking either legal or financial advice (whatever is appropriate) is strongly recommended before signing. I don’t think the Vow of Poverty contract includes this, so maybe there is a case since it both controls finances and takes away the right to sue.
Sometimes, even though a person signs a contract which appears to take away their rights, doesn’t mean they are gone under common law.
Also, it may be possible for a Bethelite who is thrown out, to establish the belief that even though they signed the vow, they were of the understanding that they would be looked after. They are, after all, now part of Jehovahs earthly organisation and there’s enough literature claiming that he will provide in times of need. Many jws believe this.
Where's Simon?
by nicolaou inanyone heard from him?
he hasn't been active for over a week.
probably on holiday but would be nice to know everything's okay 🤔 .
They look so innocent.
by raymond frantz in
there was a time they preached the great tribulation was a short period of time between the fall of babylon and jesus coming back to save them, now they realize there are difficult years ahead of us, watch this latest morning worship video by per christensen on this subject .
Those 'difficult years' are sure to include Governmental issues the Watchtower will continue to face due to its hurtful and harmful policies.
These 'difficult years' will also include more intense whining from the Governing Body about the need for more money.
Olympic games/ keep on the watch
by Gorb inthe main article on is about the succesfull olympic games 2024 in paris.. many withness watch all the sport episodes of the games, but comes with a sour story about the games and not reaching real peace.. again is on the wrong side of history a d doesn't feel the public anx jw opinion.
the closing remarks of the ioc president bach, thaf the games will not reach peace but plant peace in the hart of people was a strong message.. the organization and message of the games is all that wants to, but can't.. very sad and narrow minded, as ever.
Gorb - The closing remarks of the IOC president Bach, thaf the games will not reach peace but plant peace in the hart of people was a strong message.
That makes the Watchtower's message look even more cultish and extremist. The Watchtower wants to appear as if they are the only ones that recognize complete, worldwide peace is not possible.
It's much more positive to encourage peace than to preach it's not possible.
Setting the record straight. CSA report in New Zealand
by joe134cd inok i just want to officially set the record straight about the report of csa in new zealand.
i have a pimo relative who lives in nz.
as far as public awareness, with regard to the jws, it was basically a big nothing burger.
At least the Watchtower and every Bethel worker in Sydney know about it and they tried to hide it. They have exposed themselves.