There is a lot to take in and the following comments just discuss one aspect.
There's a Youtuber who has just uploaded a video titled "Who or What is God's Channel?" He's not a JW but I think he wrote a paper on JWs as part of his Uni Studies and continues to be interested in the relgion.
In summary he states that according to the Watchtower you cannot question or challenge or disagree with that Chanel. Yet they are teaching things that are not true. Just reading the Finished Mystery will prove that.
He claims that God's channel of communication is not man or any group of men but it is through man and it is a matter of whether we, or anyone, utilizes his channel. His channel being his infallible word, the bible.
An example is when Peter helped the eunuch to understand the bible. Peter didn't act as the channel, the channel was the bible, Peter acted as a supplement. Peter explains what God's channel is saying.
He sees this viewpoint as much more bionically correct and consistent (when you look at how God's channel operated through biblical times) because God's channel should always be viewed as infallible, always inspired and should never be disagreed with because what God says is Truth and cannot be wrong.
So in contrast, the Governing Body are fallible, non-inspired, error prone men, who should be questioned when they are teaching something that is false.
He raises some good questions -
When the GB teaches something that is false what are the biblical grounds for choosing to believe them anyway?
When the GB teaches something that is false, what are the biblical grounds for condemnation when the GB is rightly challenged for teaching something that is false?
If it is always wrong to question what was even recognized as God's Channel of communication then would it have been wrong for a 1st century Jew, before Jesus, to challenge the Pharisees (who were God's channel at that time)?
One of his many points was that the Pharisees would have felt that they were Gods Chanel of communication and couldn't be question but Jesus entered the scene and questioned these leaders. So we have the situation where it was possible to challenge this Chanel.