I've just been reading through the latest Watchtower- September 2018 and they have this as a footnote
It is reasonable to conclude that some Armageddon survivors will be disabled. When on earth, Jesus cured people with “every sort of infirmity,” thus giving us a preview of what he will do, not for resurrected ones, but for Armageddon survivors. (Matt. 9:35) Resurrected ones will no doubt have whole, sound bodies.It seems that this is new light and rather than evolution being involved, there will be a miraculous healing of physical imperfections.
If resurrected ones are going to have perfect bodies then they must also be perfect beings, both physically and mentally. But the footnote seems to only be discussing physical bodies. It makes me wonder what they think it is to be imperfect but since they simply come up with whatever they want or whoever's thoughts can convince the current Governing Body the only conclusion is that they can't make up their minds about anything, especially when they are simply speculating in the first place.
The Watchtower 82 12/1 states
Those who physically have died and will be resurrected on earth during the Millennium will still be imperfect humans. Also, those surviving the war of God will not be made perfect and sinless immediately. As they continue faithful to God during the Millennium those who will have survived on earth evidently will gradually progress toward perfection. Hence, as long as persons in both categories are not free of inherited sin, they will in a sense be “dead” (and could not yet be fully alive) in God’s sight.—Luke 9:60; Ephesians 2:1.