The OP on this thread is very interesting as it discusses the KON and reasoning as to why the GB were not saying who they believed it is.
At the Annual Meeting four years ago Soctoma points out this comment as having been made by Geoffrey Jackson
Finally he dramatically
raised the question “So who is the King of the North?” The audience reacted to this question
with an anticipatory audible buzz. Just the reaction Jackson was hoping for. He followed this up
by saying “We can’t be sure - yet.” And then he raised expectations that when they get it figured
out they will make it known.
Scotoma then makes is own speculation as to why they wouldn't name the KON back then
They will probably defend their confusion over the King of the North because it cleared the way
for hundreds of thousands of new JW’s in Russia and its former republics. If they maintained the
stance that the King of the North was Russia they would have risked the work coming under a
ban. How could they be allowed to freely carry on their work and talk about Russia being the
evil King of the North? To be sure they don’t want to be too quick to send out the message that
Putin’s Russia is the King of the North that goes forth in a great rage to “annihilate and devote
many to destruction.”
Today, in Russia, the JWs are banned and it would appear that since the GB have nothing further to lose, they decided to reveal the KON as Russia in their recent Annual meeting.