Thanks Simon for all your work that you put into this site. It is much appreciated.
This is my go to site when I want to research something to do with the JWs.
huge round of applause for simon (not every hero wears a cape).
this is to say a huge big thank you,tons of appreciation and gratitude from me for simon for toiling away on his own dime for 20 years or so and keeping this site up and running .
surely this site has helped tons of jdumbs n exjdumbs in their search for ttatt and freedom.
Thanks Simon for all your work that you put into this site. It is much appreciated.
This is my go to site when I want to research something to do with the JWs.
during gerrit loesch's talk just released, he goes on a long list of the false end times predictions throughout the millennia.
i didn't expect it, but then he goes into the precursors to the bible students who, when their dates failed, changed christ's presence to have happened 'invisibly'.
then it goes right into the jws, and he reads the quote from millions now living will never die about how we can 'confidently expect' the resurrection in 1925, and then the life everlasting book that predicted 1975. of course, he doesn't say how it's still going on, namely with the overlapping generation and its' accompanying convoluted chart, but still, this is more than they've ever said on the subject, especially recently.. it almost sounds like a forced statement, to address any backlash from people reading 'apostate lies' online, because he also says how the gb 'humbly' admitted mistakes, referencing the non-apology after 1975 that disturbed raymond franz.
It's a long talk to transcribe but it might be worth transcribing the lot because of all the nonsense he says.
during gerrit loesch's talk just released, he goes on a long list of the false end times predictions throughout the millennia.
i didn't expect it, but then he goes into the precursors to the bible students who, when their dates failed, changed christ's presence to have happened 'invisibly'.
then it goes right into the jws, and he reads the quote from millions now living will never die about how we can 'confidently expect' the resurrection in 1925, and then the life everlasting book that predicted 1975. of course, he doesn't say how it's still going on, namely with the overlapping generation and its' accompanying convoluted chart, but still, this is more than they've ever said on the subject, especially recently.. it almost sounds like a forced statement, to address any backlash from people reading 'apostate lies' online, because he also says how the gb 'humbly' admitted mistakes, referencing the non-apology after 1975 that disturbed raymond franz.
Immediately after discussing their 'wrong expectations' Loesch states the following
Nevertheless, there is no reason for us to be shaken in faith - God's promises
rather, AS A CONSEQUENCE, we are all moved to make a closer examination of the scriptures regarding this matter of the day of judgement
In doing so, we find that the important thing is not the date, what is important is keeping ever in mind that there is such a day and it's getting closer and will require an accounting on the part of all of us. Peter said that Christians should rightly awaiting and keeping close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah.
There's a good reason to remain in expectation, Jesus told us to do so. In this regard Jehovah's organization has set an example, although sometimes promoting wrong expectations our publications have consistently exhorted us to wait and keep close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah and to fix our hopes in God's new world.
during gerrit loesch's talk just released, he goes on a long list of the false end times predictions throughout the millennia.
i didn't expect it, but then he goes into the precursors to the bible students who, when their dates failed, changed christ's presence to have happened 'invisibly'.
then it goes right into the jws, and he reads the quote from millions now living will never die about how we can 'confidently expect' the resurrection in 1925, and then the life everlasting book that predicted 1975. of course, he doesn't say how it's still going on, namely with the overlapping generation and its' accompanying convoluted chart, but still, this is more than they've ever said on the subject, especially recently.. it almost sounds like a forced statement, to address any backlash from people reading 'apostate lies' online, because he also says how the gb 'humbly' admitted mistakes, referencing the non-apology after 1975 that disturbed raymond franz.
Here's a link to a copied version on Youtube. It's a little easier to watch it there as you have the abilbity to speed it up which you can't do on JW org.
At around the 13 minute mark he starts talking about the wrong expectations that Brothers had about 1975 and quotes from a Watchtower. In part Loesch says
"'statements made then and thereafter that this was only a poss-i-bil-ity, unfortunately, however' says the Watchtower 'along with such cautionary information there were other statements published that implied that such realization of hopes by that year was more a probability than a mere possibility, it is to be regretted' ADMITS THE WATCHTOWER 'it is to be regretted that these latter statements APPARENTLY overshadowed these cautionary ones and contributed to a buildup of the expectation already initiated'
In its issue of July 15 1976 the Watchtower, commenting on the inadvisability of setting our sights on a certain date stated 'If anyone has been disappointed through not following this line of thought, he should now concentrate on adjusting his viewpoints seeing that the word, ah, that it was not the word of God that failed or deceived him and brought disappointment but that his own understanding was based on wrong premises, In saying 'anyone' the Watchtower included all disappointed ones of Jehovah's Witnesses hence including ones having to do with the publication of the information that contributed to the build up of hopes centered on that date' end of quote. So very humbly the Watchtower admitted that, June 15, 1976
For the most part Loesch is simply repeating what was written in the Watchtower but he ends it with stating that it is the Watchtower that has been humble in admitting that it was disappointed individuals and individuals who were involved in the publication of the information that had failed and was deceitful.
This is nothing new but the big difference is that we have a Governing Body member who is part of their 'faithful and discreet slave' pointing the finger at those involved in Watchtower publications. He paints a division here between the FDS and those involved in the publication of this false information.
Who was involved in the publication of this information? We can't be sure but it appears that Fred Franz had a big part. But if we take their confession strictly as it is written then it includes all the Bethel workers involved in writing, printing and distributing those publications. Also, anyone donating to the Watchtower Organization could be said to have a hand in being involved. That's a lot of individuals when the blame should be humbly placed on the FDS. He had the opportunity to do this but chose not to.
It's not the Watchtower, which is just a thing or tool, that should be admitting anything but it is the FDS who was responsible for directing others to publish the nonsense.
during gerrit loesch's talk just released, he goes on a long list of the false end times predictions throughout the millennia.
i didn't expect it, but then he goes into the precursors to the bible students who, when their dates failed, changed christ's presence to have happened 'invisibly'.
then it goes right into the jws, and he reads the quote from millions now living will never die about how we can 'confidently expect' the resurrection in 1925, and then the life everlasting book that predicted 1975. of course, he doesn't say how it's still going on, namely with the overlapping generation and its' accompanying convoluted chart, but still, this is more than they've ever said on the subject, especially recently.. it almost sounds like a forced statement, to address any backlash from people reading 'apostate lies' online, because he also says how the gb 'humbly' admitted mistakes, referencing the non-apology after 1975 that disturbed raymond franz.
The interesting part is that Loesch did not blame the GB, he blamed the Watchtower.
please share this question.
why is he spiritual israel not innumerable?.
the literal seed of abraham was innumerable (heb 11:12; gen 22:17; 1ki 4:20).
they claim that they are willing to correct their mistakes with new light, there is only so far that they will go.
Changing doctrine to make the other sheep/great crowd Spiritual Israelites would cause too many issues that they would not know how to deal with, without losing a lot of members.
For instance, they would have to partake of the emblems and for decades they have been warned by the Watchtower that they are not worthy.
Overall, it would mean that they other sheep has never worshipped Jehovah correctly. They are currently only Gods friends, not his sons and daughters.
fader here - last meeting was in autumn 2005. lurker on this site and others.
not one to get all controversial.. typical situation, pretty much a born in and left the church at age 38 and never looked back.. i'm 53 now, parents getting older - late 70s but very active, dad is still an elder.. parents, in laws, brother and brother-in-law still uber active jws.. my family (wife and 2 adult children) out since 2005.. we have stayed close to our parents - we have treaded religion lightly and have had a pretty good relationship and have kept our personal lives and beliefs/opinions separated from them.
this was intentional - as we love them and do not want anything to cause shunning since they are getting older and want to be there for them and we respect their beliefs.. got this letter today.
Unfortunately there's nothing you can do except going along with their request to have no contact with them.
It doesn't matter that you didn't celebrate Christmas this year, they may have found out about the present giving from past years.
Are they still going to be talking to your adult children? You will want to talk to them, show them the letter and brochure. They may be the outraged ones.
Having been shunned by my father, it was never outrage that I felt. Why do JWs think that is how their shunned kids will feel. Rather, it is an overwhelming sadness but also with an understatement of why this is happening, something that many don't understand.
It is the Watchtower along with the Governing Body that is responsible for this. Any outrage is directed towards them. It is those men that demand exclusive devotion to them over the natural affection that JWs have for their own families. They break up families.
I am sorry this has happened to you. I am also sorry this has happened to your parents. It will be just as hard for them (and in some cases, maybe more because it's not natural). There will be lots of tears.
It saddens me to see that they couldn't even sign the letter with 'love'. It's a twisted, evil organization.
during gerrit loesch's talk just released, he goes on a long list of the false end times predictions throughout the millennia.
i didn't expect it, but then he goes into the precursors to the bible students who, when their dates failed, changed christ's presence to have happened 'invisibly'.
then it goes right into the jws, and he reads the quote from millions now living will never die about how we can 'confidently expect' the resurrection in 1925, and then the life everlasting book that predicted 1975. of course, he doesn't say how it's still going on, namely with the overlapping generation and its' accompanying convoluted chart, but still, this is more than they've ever said on the subject, especially recently.. it almost sounds like a forced statement, to address any backlash from people reading 'apostate lies' online, because he also says how the gb 'humbly' admitted mistakes, referencing the non-apology after 1975 that disturbed raymond franz.
Winston from the Youtube Channel Watchtower Examination is doing some reviews on it. There's so much nonsense and issues in his presentation.
Loesch is reading a script and it's still hard to make any sense of it in places. He can't even read his script properly.
jw leaks (steven unthank) has listed on his website two annual reports that the austrailan bethel were required to lodge.
interestingly, they were one of only 11 organizations required to do so.there are a few interesting claims that the watchtower makes, this is from the 2019 report that they wrote -.
5. when elders learn of an accusation of child abuse, they immediately consult with the branch office of jehovah’s witnesses to ensure compliance with child abuse reporting laws.
How is a female JW supposed to write the report when they don't even know what is written in the Shepherding book? They really don't care.
i received a call from a friend in new york city that don adams passed away late last evening (30 dec 2019).
many of you bethelites know him and he was the president of the society for a number of years after the gb got out of the corporate structure business.
from what i understand, he was generally liked by many there.. some in my family knew him.
He went to work at Bethel in 1943 according to a 2010 Watchtower. If he died at 94 or 95 years old that would have made him 18 or 19 when he arrived at Bethel. His whole life, not knowing anything different.