They have the right to be drunk at home she says, but wanting to be part of society at large without being vaccinated is like driving drunk and putting others at risk
Is a drunk person putting others at risk if they are not at home and not driving?
What about a mentally challenged person, or a drug taker, whether prescribed or not. When they pose a serious risk because of their proven social misbehaviour something can be done about it but usually not until they've already caused damage.
What if the unvaccinated person is prepared to take extra precautions so as not to be any more of a risk than a vaccinated person and what exactly would be required? Who are they a risk to, another unvaccinated person or a vaccinated person?
Apparently, an unvaccinated person can pass the virus on to others more easily if they have the virus because their symptoms are more severe or more contagious, so will shed the virus more (coughing etc.) But if they have any apparent symptoms they are likely to be at home anyway or it could be made a legal requirement that they quarantine.
What if the unvaccinated person is prepared to stay at home rather than have a mandated vaccine?
It looks like booster shots may be required and if so, what about those that have had severe side affects from the vaccines and it's too dangerous for them to have a booster, will it be mandated that they must have it?