Mike JW. What about the teaching of the sheep and goats during Armageddon? What does that achieve?
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Hailstone message AND everyone will be saved? Questions
by slimboyfat ini’ve not been paying close attention to watchtower developments, but talking to a jw yesterday it occurred to me the society (yes, still use that term - old school) have been sending out mixed messages in recent years.
from what i gather, a few years ago the gb announced that during the great tribulation jws would be required to preach a “hailstone message of judgement” which involved telling people it was too late for them to repent and they were definitely going to be destroyed.
there were hints that this could be very soon, “any day now” preaching could stop and the hailstone message come in, kind of thing.
Hailstone message AND everyone will be saved? Questions
by slimboyfat ini’ve not been paying close attention to watchtower developments, but talking to a jw yesterday it occurred to me the society (yes, still use that term - old school) have been sending out mixed messages in recent years.
from what i gather, a few years ago the gb announced that during the great tribulation jws would be required to preach a “hailstone message of judgement” which involved telling people it was too late for them to repent and they were definitely going to be destroyed.
there were hints that this could be very soon, “any day now” preaching could stop and the hailstone message come in, kind of thing.
As an aside, isn't it funny that they waited three months to upload the annual meeting on their website for all JWs to see and another couple to put the new light in writing but when it came to allowing beards, the announcement went out to all JWs at the same time.
They sure have their priorities right when it comes to feeding the sheep versus issuing orders.
Hailstone message AND everyone will be saved? Questions
by slimboyfat ini’ve not been paying close attention to watchtower developments, but talking to a jw yesterday it occurred to me the society (yes, still use that term - old school) have been sending out mixed messages in recent years.
from what i gather, a few years ago the gb announced that during the great tribulation jws would be required to preach a “hailstone message of judgement” which involved telling people it was too late for them to repent and they were definitely going to be destroyed.
there were hints that this could be very soon, “any day now” preaching could stop and the hailstone message come in, kind of thing.
No, it makes no sense and they must want it that way.
In the same Watchtower they say -
These clarifications actually make our preaching work more urgent than ever.
Then they say they will explain why in the next article.
The reason they give is because Armageddon is getting even closer.
Yet, they’ve always given this as a reason as to why the preaching work is urgent.
They may as well have said, ‘we are a month closer today than last month so it is more urgent’.
The reality is, they’ve made it less urgent. No clocking on or off with minimum preaching hours, preaching extending into the GT and opportunity for anyone to join in the GT etc.
Hailstone message AND everyone will be saved? Questions
by slimboyfat ini’ve not been paying close attention to watchtower developments, but talking to a jw yesterday it occurred to me the society (yes, still use that term - old school) have been sending out mixed messages in recent years.
from what i gather, a few years ago the gb announced that during the great tribulation jws would be required to preach a “hailstone message of judgement” which involved telling people it was too late for them to repent and they were definitely going to be destroyed.
there were hints that this could be very soon, “any day now” preaching could stop and the hailstone message come in, kind of thing.
They’ve made it clear that the righteous and the unrighteousness who die before the GT will get resurrected but they have not gone as far as saying that the righteous and unrighteousness will survive Armageddon. But they still say there is the judging of the sheep and goats at Armageddon.
The gay guy, who they have previously pictured as being denied boarding on the plane at Armageddon because of his baggage (not his heart condition), is the same guy that would have been resurrected had he died before. He’s the one that they said would possibly be given 100 years to make over his mind.
Hailstone message AND everyone will be saved? Questions
by slimboyfat ini’ve not been paying close attention to watchtower developments, but talking to a jw yesterday it occurred to me the society (yes, still use that term - old school) have been sending out mixed messages in recent years.
from what i gather, a few years ago the gb announced that during the great tribulation jws would be required to preach a “hailstone message of judgement” which involved telling people it was too late for them to repent and they were definitely going to be destroyed.
there were hints that this could be very soon, “any day now” preaching could stop and the hailstone message come in, kind of thing.
I see what you're saying Mikejw but it's just making no sense.
Here's an earlier paragraph in the latest Watchtower
We do know several things about future events. For example, we know that at Armageddon, people will be dealt with on the basis of how they have treated Christ’s brothers. (Matt. 25:40) Those judged as sheep will have shown their support for the anointed and for Christ. We also know that some of Christ’s brothers will still be on earth after the great tribulation starts and will not be taken to heaven until shortly before the outbreak of Armageddon. As long as the brothers of Christ are still on earth, it is possible that honesthearted individuals will have the opportunity to support them and the work they are doing. (Matt. 25:31, 32; Rev. 12:17) Why are those facts significant?
They are talking about the judging of the sheep and goats at Armageddon and state that the sheep must have shown their support for the annointed. Even if a person is honeshearted, they don't say they will survive Armageddon, just that they may get the opportunity to support the annointed. (and therefore survive as having been judged a sheep).
They are being very obscure.
Hailstone message AND everyone will be saved? Questions
by slimboyfat ini’ve not been paying close attention to watchtower developments, but talking to a jw yesterday it occurred to me the society (yes, still use that term - old school) have been sending out mixed messages in recent years.
from what i gather, a few years ago the gb announced that during the great tribulation jws would be required to preach a “hailstone message of judgement” which involved telling people it was too late for them to repent and they were definitely going to be destroyed.
there were hints that this could be very soon, “any day now” preaching could stop and the hailstone message come in, kind of thing.
MikeJW This is what they were prepared to put in writing in regards to what Jackson said
At times, we hear someone say, “It would almost be better if my relative dies before the great tribulation begins so that there is hope for his resurrection.” There are surely kind motives behind such expressions. But a person’s eternal future does not depend on when he happens to die. Jehovah is the perfect Judge—he renders just and righteous decisions. (Read Psalm 33:4, 5.) We can be confident that “the Judge of all the earth” will do what is right.—Gen. 18:25.
I took him to mean that since unrighteous loved ones will now have an opportunity to return to them or accept them during the GT they can make it through Armageddon (as righteous).
Dates and times
by jhine inlast night at my bible study group we looked at 1thessalonians ch 5 .
we have been working through the whole letter.
verses 1-11 start with .
The Watchtower has done it in order to gain followers to them. It’s to make people ‘captive of a concept’.
They become the guard dog even though they might bark, without cause in the middle of the night as Jackson put it. But they get to call the shots and have people look to them for instructions and obedience.
Hailstone message AND everyone will be saved? Questions
by slimboyfat ini’ve not been paying close attention to watchtower developments, but talking to a jw yesterday it occurred to me the society (yes, still use that term - old school) have been sending out mixed messages in recent years.
from what i gather, a few years ago the gb announced that during the great tribulation jws would be required to preach a “hailstone message of judgement” which involved telling people it was too late for them to repent and they were definitely going to be destroyed.
there were hints that this could be very soon, “any day now” preaching could stop and the hailstone message come in, kind of thing.
The daily text they will read on December 7, 2024 currently states
He had everlasting good news to declare to those who dwell on the earth, to every nation and tribe and tongue and people.—Rev. 14:6.
The “good news of the Kingdom” is not the only message that God’s people are to declare. (Matt. 24:14) They also need to support the work of the angels who are described in Revelation chapters 8 through 10. These angels announce a series of woes for those who reject God’s Kingdom. Thus, Jehovah’s Witnesses have been declaring a judgment message, likened to “hail and fire,” revealing God’s judgments on the various elements of Satan’s wicked world. (Rev. 8:7, 13) People need to know that the end is near so that they can make drastic changes in their lives and survive Jehovah’s day of anger. (Zeph. 2:2, 3) But this message is not popular. Declaring it calls for courage on our part. During the great tribulation, the final judgment message will become more hard-hitting.—Rev. 16:21. w22.05 7 ¶18-19They talk about a different message, not the 'good news', that message being woes announced by angels.
It quotes W 22.05
The good news of the Kingdom is not the only message that God’s people are to declare. They also need to support the work of the angels who are described in Revelation chapters 8 through 10. These angels announce a series of woes for those who reject God’s Kingdom. Thus, Jehovah’s Witnesses have been declaring a judgment message, likened to “hail and fire,” revealing God’s judgments on the various elements of Satan’s wicked world. (Rev. 8:7, 13) People need to know that the end is near so that they can make drastic changes in their lives and survive Jehovah’s day of anger. (Zeph. 2:2, 3) But this message is not popular. Declaring it calls for courage on our part. During the great tribulation, the final judgment message will become more hard-hitting.—Rev. 16:21.
But they say that JWs have already been declaring this judgment message, it's just that during the GT it becomes more 'hard hitting'.
Nicolas King starting to be removed from website
by neat blue dog init took them much longer than expected, but all the wt chorus videos in which he was a member have been removed from the music videos section.
interestingly the audio version of song 141 in which he sings, as well as even his solos like song number 127 all remain, but as we know appearance is all that matters.
also of course his role in the drama "these words must be on your heart" can't be easily fixed but that's less of a problem as he was playing a 'bad guy' to begin with..
Careful - here's a link with a little more information. You can also google to see how well known he is
Neat Blue Dog, you reported about it 8 months ago. Watchtower is very slow to react. No doubt they are unable to accept any news reports as a witness and had to rely on their professional snooping detectives.
What have I been doing for the last few years?
by Lee Marsh ini used to be here a lot.
every single day almost.
and then i wasn't.. well let's start with a before.
Nice to hear from you Lady Lee. I think you were a moderator here at one time, or maybe I have it wrong.
It sounds like you've been through a tough challenge with your Cancer and have had to make some big decisions that have worked out well for you.