I know where they hang in the morning on saturdays,so I do all my errands & shopping early. I take the initiative & avoid contact with them. If someone does approach me Ill take their magazines. I don't blame the rank & file, I'm just so happy not to be there on saturdays. Free as a bird.
Posts by reds
How Are You Treated When JWs See You?
by minimus indo they talk to you, ignore you, love bomb you??
New Site JW Outreach
by Bangalore inhere is a new site named jw outreach launched by an xjw from another board.. .
The new light subject was great,never thought about it like that. I'm always looking for some logical explanation for my son, or a question that would get him thinking about some of their explanations. I don't see this as cult jumping,it's info that can be used to help others to do their own critical thinking. thanks!
our bookstudy also had a donation box & when I saw it, I felt real uncomfortable with it. we donated substantially at the kh. I had a wow moment when I first saw it. Iwas shocked when the bs was cancelled but I also felt the gb did it because of gas prices. what an idiot. I as truely sucked in and believed every thing I was told.
What is the best gift you can give a JW?
by Fernando inthe best gift i was ever given was a question which gently red flagged my ignorance and the ignorance of the religious organisation i was following:.
"please tell me what is the gospel in one word?
FREEDOM from the "truth"!
It would be a cold day in Octember,& there is no such month. My loyalty is to my family not a bunch of liars and hypocrites that are supposed to be Gods channel of communication.
The last 2years we were in, we called right after the meeting because hotels are a 24 hr. business. I didn't have to feel guilty and we stayed at the hotel that was convienient for us and other family members. October will make 3 years faded from this tremendous lie and we can actually take real vacations now. Best decision I ever made.