We shall see, my simian friend.
That video is an amazing example of someone mind controlled. Thank you.
I started my book study in late 1974. Best thing about 1975 is I finally finished school and started earning money full time. Second best thing was watching that last minute go by on December 31 and nothing happens. When December came along and people at the Kingdom Hall were starting to look a little queasy (in comparison to the euphoria of the summer meetings) the thing just began to start to stink. People were saying, "well, it could drag out for another few months, but it's gonna happen any day, any day." Before the end of the next year I was out. It was all timing. Had I begun my voluntary indoctrination a year earlier, I might have been more controlled and less disposed to leaving. Had I begun after 1975, the indoctrination method would have been slightly different - ie. without the ripe plum of 1975 being dangled in front of recruits. That's what makes that video so bogus. The guy who made it either wasn't there or is exercising selective reasoning. Despite the mildly tongue-in-cheek of the OP, 1975 WAS a big deal if you were involved with the Watchtower. That the GB weasled its way all the way through and out of it bears no little weight on them having successfully swelled the ranks of Jehovah's Witnesses in record proportions because of its salacious hints about and deliberate pandering to the expectations of 1975.