No, zound, the way things are going in a hundred years Christian faith for all but a few happy holdouts will have gone the way of belief in Thor or Woden or Huitzilopochtli or the 2600 other gods our species has invented and worshipped. Tammy, you and I will have ceased to exist and from our present perspectives this conversation will be irrelevant. All that should matter to us is what's happening now, how well we live our lives and treat others in the process. I am not a believer but nevertheless love several people who are. Their happiness is more important to me than me being right, as much as I am convinced I am right. You justly take offense to the moron label yet assign offensive labels to someone who thinks differently from you. Ignorance is better defeated with patience and evidence than with ridicule but maybe it's just better leaving things alone. If someone is happier with what they believe than what you perceive to be reality let them have it.
JoinedPosts by Nickolas
Fallacies about Faith
by tec inpeace to you!.
this thread is about false things (some) atheists think theists believe.
this is not a thread about false things that atheists think about theists.
Fallacies about Faith
by tec inpeace to you!.
this thread is about false things (some) atheists think theists believe.
this is not a thread about false things that atheists think about theists.
Please take issue all you want, zound. It's a free world. Or website. Whatever. Morality is about happiness and suffering of sentient beings. Nothing more. Your use of the words stupid, delusional, arrogant, and dishonest are at best judgemental, at worst prejudicial. Those who say ridiculous ideas need to be ridiculed are morons. 2014 would appear to the perspective of someone in 1914 as unfathomable. The idea of a flat picture on the wall moving like it was real? Ridiculous. Satellites orbiting the earth? Absurd. Tammy has every right to voice her thoughts. You have every right to ignore them. Tune out. You are otherwise not so much an atheist as an anti-religionist. Big difference. Zealotry takes many forms.
Jehovah's Witness juror - The actions of this juror are a complete disgrace, said Prince Georges County States Attorney Angela Alsobrooks.
by Sol Reform in
juror email leads to mistrial.
that juror now faces a possible contempt of court charge.the trial of a man involved in a high speed crash that killed a prince george's county police officer last year ended in a mistrial.. one of the jurors told the judge via email thursday morning that judging others was a violation of her religion as a jehovah's witness, news4's prince george's county bureau chief tracee wilkins reported.. kevon darnell neal, 23, was charged with vehicular manslaughter and fleeing and eluding following the death of officer adrian morris, 23.. morris and his partner were pursuing a stolen silver acura when their cruiser ran off interstate 95 near the powder mill road exit in august 2012. morris died after being ejected from the vehicle.
Thank you, wasblind. Do you realise you did exactly the same thing one of the last times I was in here, 9 months ago? Except for the Happy New Year part. You too. I'm just passing through. At some point I might want to spend more time in this place but not yet. Nice to see you too. :o)
Fallacies about Faith
by tec inpeace to you!.
this thread is about false things (some) atheists think theists believe.
this is not a thread about false things that atheists think about theists.
I am an atheist who harbors neither of those fallacies, Tammy. Never have. If your faith brings you a measure of peace and contentment in your life and in the process you cause only good to be done to others I declare yours a successful life. Atheists who want to burst theist bubbles are just plain cruel.
Jehovah's Witness juror - The actions of this juror are a complete disgrace, said Prince Georges County States Attorney Angela Alsobrooks.
by Sol Reform in
juror email leads to mistrial.
that juror now faces a possible contempt of court charge.the trial of a man involved in a high speed crash that killed a prince george's county police officer last year ended in a mistrial.. one of the jurors told the judge via email thursday morning that judging others was a violation of her religion as a jehovah's witness, news4's prince george's county bureau chief tracee wilkins reported.. kevon darnell neal, 23, was charged with vehicular manslaughter and fleeing and eluding following the death of officer adrian morris, 23.. morris and his partner were pursuing a stolen silver acura when their cruiser ran off interstate 95 near the powder mill road exit in august 2012. morris died after being ejected from the vehicle.
From the foregoing commentary it's pretty much obvious that this person is a dipstick who also happens to be a Jehovah's Witness. No surprise. There are JWs who are dipsticks. There are also Jehovah's Witnesses who are assholes, and those who are ___________s. The question is, are there proportionally more JWs who are dipsticks, assholes and ______________s than in the general population? Dunno, but I don't think so.
Dinosaur Soft Tissue, Blood, & DNA Catalog of Peer Reviewed Papers
by Perry inthe world's most comprehensive catalog of peer-reviewed journal papers documenting the existence of dinosaur soft tissue, blood cells and dna is here.
can't we all just agree to finally give a 150 year old theory a nice funeral?
there is no way this stuff lasts hundreds of millions of years!.
This was an enlightening thread so thought I'd come back and read it through again. It illustrates well that someone who is truly, inextricably convinced that what he believes is right cannot be brought to entertain a contradictory perspective. Those who assign little scientific weight to his contradictory point are just being as fundamentalist in their thinking as he. Communication is fruitless.
The arguments for theism are theadbare and some who've heard them over and over don't want to waste any more of their lives debunking them. Presenting testimony that evolutionary theory is flawed does not prove that creationism is right. It is not a corollary argument. An open mind is prepared to accept contradictory evidence but it has to be real evidence. And when that evidence is found to be true then the relevant science seeks to understand why it is true. Science embraces contradiction because it always leads to insight. Truth is all that matters. Understanding what is True changes. The science books are rewritten, then re-rewritten when understanding changes again, as it inevitably will. That's what science does. It expands its understanding and discards what turns out to be wrong. That sort of thing notably doesn't happen in religious circles.
I may from time to time drop into a thread you've started, Perry, not to participate but to observe. Take notes. Maybe come to understand better the pathology of god delusion and maybe get better at helping people who want to shake it off but are afraid to. Anybody who doesn't want to shake it off is fine with me. If you're happy and your beliefs don't negatively impact the lives of people, especially those you are important to, then have at it. That's all that really matters in the end, but it isn't always what happens.
If you don't believe in God where do you get the strength to cope?
by Miss.Fit ini know there are some here that are going through some tough times.
some of you do not believe in god.
some are not sure.. i was told recently by a friend to pray to god for help and he would comfort me.. my first impulse is to pray.
Just checking in, Missy. The journey to enlightenment is not unlike running a gauntlet. You get beat up along the way, sometimes by your own stumbling, and you emerge wounded and bleeding. It gets better. It takes time to think things through, as you shall. Hang in there.
"Thus, dear reader, if you have come this far and found your own faith undermined—as I hope—I am willing to say that to some extent I know what you are going through. There are days when I miss my old convictions as if they were an amputated limb. But in general I feel better, and no less radical, and you will feel better too, I guarantee, once you leave hold of the doctrinaire and allow your chainless mind to do its own thinking."
Christopher Hitchens, at the conclusion of Chapter Ten, The Tawdriness of the Miraculous and the decline of Hell, God is not Great.
Dinosaur Soft Tissue, Blood, & DNA Catalog of Peer Reviewed Papers
by Perry inthe world's most comprehensive catalog of peer-reviewed journal papers documenting the existence of dinosaur soft tissue, blood cells and dna is here.
can't we all just agree to finally give a 150 year old theory a nice funeral?
there is no way this stuff lasts hundreds of millions of years!.
What it comes down to, Perry, is you know you are right because you have read the truth in a holy book and you know, in advance, that nothing on Earth will budge you from your belief. The book is true, and if the evidence - no matter how overwhelming - seems to contradict it, it is the evidence that must be thrown out, not the book. By contrast people believe in evolution because they have studied and understand the evidence. And, yes, we get most of what we believe from reading books on the subject. But books about evolution are believed not because they are holy but because they present overwhelming quantities of mutually buttressed evidence that anyone can verify. But nobody who seriously seeks to comprehend evolution through natural selection will take anything he reads on face value, very unlike someone who harbours an unshakeable, unquestioning belief in a holy book. Noone I know thinks books on evolution are perfect. There will be errors. But when something in a book on evolution or any other science book for that matter is found to be wrong the mistake is invariably corrected and understanding is expanded. It doesn't matter anyway. What matters is your happiness. If what you believe makes you happy then that's cool, even if what you believe is silly. It gave me a chuckle, so by posting it you made me happy too. Win/win.
If you don't believe in God where do you get the strength to cope?
by Miss.Fit ini know there are some here that are going through some tough times.
some of you do not believe in god.
some are not sure.. i was told recently by a friend to pray to god for help and he would comfort me.. my first impulse is to pray.
Similar to the Golden Rule, Miss.Fit, except it goes beyond the human connection. Not sure who I may have heard it from initially. It's a well accepted humanist understanding of what constitutes morality, as opposed to morality dictated by a holy book or creed or pronouncement from on high. The Golden Rule by the way really is a beautiful moral precept but it was espoused several centuries before Jesus of Nazareth in his sermon on the mount. Do some research into Zoroaster, Buddha, Confucius and Epictetus. There were other philosophers too but they don't come directly to mind. But no, not what I'm saying exactly. The peace you seek you will find only within yourself when you comprehend what is really important in life and after you accept yourself for the person you are.
Dinosaur Soft Tissue, Blood, & DNA Catalog of Peer Reviewed Papers
by Perry inthe world's most comprehensive catalog of peer-reviewed journal papers documenting the existence of dinosaur soft tissue, blood cells and dna is here.
can't we all just agree to finally give a 150 year old theory a nice funeral?
there is no way this stuff lasts hundreds of millions of years!.
Hey Perry. Thanks for the chuckle.