JoinedTopics Started by Keekeedeb
by crawdad2 inthe 16 yr old girl get's raped by a 26 yr old ministerial servant,.
so she goes to the elders about it.. the elders arrange a judicial committe meeting and listen to both sides of the story......... then they go to a room for five minutes and come back, and tell her that they are going to privately reprove both of them.........."furious", she asks what she is being reproved for, and they say "fornication".. they remind both of them to not gossip about it or tell anyone.. because it will bring reproach on jehovahs organization.. the girl, then goes to other elders, and appeals the elders decision, and complains that she got raped!!!
!.....she gets another committe meeting,,,,,they quickly come to the same decision and warn her to keep quiet,,,,,,,she goes to other elders.....they promise to help her...they believe her, ...days go by.........months go by...........she is in a meeting when they announce that brother rapist has been given a part on the assembly.........everyone claps........she goes back to the elders asking them how it is that he just got a part on the assembly, when he just raped her............they start reminding her to be submissive to the lead or they will take action,.....she can't keep quiet........they anounce that she has been reproved.........she starts speaking out against the whole body of elders,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,bingo, she is disfellowshipped for apostacy, and there is no value to her claims at all,,,,,,,,she was just an apostate fornicater, trying to smear a nice brother.....