Interesting post.......If the whole world would be turned into a Paradise that the WTS portrays in all the publications, than I would hate to not have the transportation that we have now. I want to travel the world......NOW I understand that I would have eternity to travel, so it would not matter how long it took to get there and back. BUT I cannot imagine life without cars, planes or trains.
BUT I think that there will be everlasting life on earth. Call me crazy. I know of MANY christians who are NOT JW's (Baptist friends and Catholic friends for example) that believe in a Paradise type life. So, for me, I feel that maybe there is some truth to the concept. I don't know if it will be the type of Paradise that the WTS portrays.......Everyone has their own view of how Paradise will be for them.
Having said that.....I have NEVER felt like ONLY those who profess to be JW's will be there. How can God deem one faith more worthy than another? I am a fairly optamistic person and I CHOOSE to believe that God is the one who judges the hearts of people of all kinds of faiths.
I believe that we will still have can experience anger without violence, sadness without death, etc. Why would we have emotions that as you stated make life a bit more interesting and have them taken away? I enjoy cursing to release my frustrations and anger! It IS a release to just let it all out and have a good cry, even if it is over some sappy commercial that played on Animal Planet. lol
Cthulhu, NOT all JW's who proclaim to be His followers will even make it...... So those who are sanctimonious, self-righteous and pretentious assholes just might NOT make it......just saying. No disrespect at all. I would not want to live forever with those type of people either!!
I will continue to live my life as close to what He expects of me and IF there is a Paradise, which I hope there is, MAYBE I will be considered for it.