white, heterosexual, anglo saxon male Racist, lol |
you are funny BP
this afternoon i had the pleasure of listening to my dad, husband and son discuss timing belts, the teeth they rest on, camshafts, and other car parts that i cant recall at such a late hour.
they were totally engrossed in the conversation and it was fun listening to them talk.
the air was thick with testosterone and they were so manly that i just had to smile about it.
white, heterosexual, anglo saxon male Racist, lol |
you are funny BP
this afternoon i had the pleasure of listening to my dad, husband and son discuss timing belts, the teeth they rest on, camshafts, and other car parts that i cant recall at such a late hour.
they were totally engrossed in the conversation and it was fun listening to them talk.
the air was thick with testosterone and they were so manly that i just had to smile about it.
Watson, it is amazing to me how quickly people have forgotten the many valuable contributions and inventions of the white, heterosexual, anglo saxon male. |
poor little things
i used to come on this site a lot more but drifted away.
the thing is that recently, i've been thinking a lot more about my life, and its lack of direction, and purpose.
i'm in a good relationship, i have great friends and support if i need it.
The thing is, I have never been happy. I know my dad was well thought of on here and I know it's wrong to speak of the dead, etc, but he wasn't the best of fathers and we had a very volatile family life that has left me extremely scarred. |
its okay, imo, to speak ill of the dead. If he is alive somewhere he is probably kicking himself for being such an asshole to his family and if he isn't alive somewhere then he ought to be so that he can kick himself. This is how I sometimes think of people who have passed away and who have left a lot of devastation.
I have nothing to show for it and plenty of bad memories, and that's what gets me down. |
I see a courageous young lady battling through tragedy.
I definitely have a void in my life, and am not sure what needs to fill it. |
The void in your life is an empty canvas waiting for you.
I think it may be spiritual but I also know I have a strong maternal yearning that can't be fulfilled for another couple of years, once Christine has finished her uni course. |
Onwards and upwards, and all that... |
yup and sometimes downwards and backwards is part of the journey. Keep moving
i used to come on this site a lot more but drifted away.
the thing is that recently, i've been thinking a lot more about my life, and its lack of direction, and purpose.
i'm in a good relationship, i have great friends and support if i need it.
morning faundy
i used to come on this site a lot more but drifted away.
the thing is that recently, i've been thinking a lot more about my life, and its lack of direction, and purpose.
i'm in a good relationship, i have great friends and support if i need it.
spend some time with us Faundy - you may find that something someone says resounds with you. I often find this here. Just meditating on the wisdom around you whilst feeling the ebb and flow of life can bring respite and refreshment.
a styrian land owner put up these signs on a pilgrim's path passing through his forrest.
he does not allow priests to pass through his property when accompanied by children without their parents.
"stopp missbrauch" is "stop abuse", "kinderschutzgebiet" means "child protection area".. .
wow - that is bold.
good-morning friends, i noticed on another thread the question "what is cardinal sin".
the replies, naturally, follow a latinised philosophy originating through the catholic church ... i wanted to propose an alternative "view" to "sin".
one that many people on this forum may not have ever considered ... this view originates from the orthodox christian church and it really is not an "alternative view" as it is the thinking and teaching of the authentic and early church.
hi ixthis - welcome
did anyone else catch this?
excellent.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0114q4t/the_big_questions_series_4_episode_15/.
I really enjoyed this slim - the whole hour long investigation. so refreshing to see an enthusiastic academic sharing her discoveries and making it all sound easy to understand. She was careful to observe the cautions of not imputing too much to the evidence and allowing for ambiguity.
So Omri of Samaria was the bigwig all the time as evidenced by his monumental buildings in Samaria dating from the 9th century (if memory serves me correctly). Whereas David was from a sparsely populated settlement area until Judah decided to construct a legendary past based on him during the 7th century.
what are your favourite books?.
do you have a book that inspired you?.
a book that you read over and over again?.
I became too busy reading the wt literature, ministry, children, work etc and lost touch with reading other things. But I think I'd read all of her books too.
what is the current stance on this issue?
i've heard of a lot of ms who were going to university, and yet i've never heard of that being the case for elders.
someone on this board also mentioned recently that they knew of man who was denied appointment as an elder despite otherwise excellent qualifications because he was a college student.
he probably would not be appointed around here. MS yes I think more likely - a universtiy student I know has been appointed MS.