I think my mom did a good job with it in my upbringing. She just had fun with it, and it eventually wore off as I matured. There was no traumatic moment of realizing there's no santa claus. Here are some things she did that I think helped keep it in perspective. She would read to me out of a big picture book that had the famous poem about santa claus. This helped my language development and imagination. To me, it was kind of like reading out of a Mother Goose book. It was fun, and somewhere in my young mind, I knew it was imaginary. With presents, some of the tags said "from Mommy," others said "from Santa" and she played with it even more by having some tags say "from Jack Frost." This was helpful because it let me know that parents give presents too, not just Santa. Being an observant child, I noticed that the handwriting was all my Mom's.