JoinedTopics Started by Joshinaz
Help with past bulling!
by Joshinaz inhey guys.
i need to speak about something that has haunted me in the past and has affected me still today.. in school from 3rd to 8th grade i have been severly bullied because i was raised as a jehovah's witness.
kids everyday would beat and me call me "jo-ho" and chant the name on the school grounds, and the school bus everyday without stop!
First time my dad has talked to me in over a year
by Joshinaz insince the "new light" on shunning everyone who doesn't go to the kingdom hall anymore, my father called me on the phone.
he talked to me about three minuets reminding me that the memorial is on the 26th and he would like me to go.
i haven't been to a memorial in over 13 years.
What's your favorite Thanksgiving Day beverage?
by Joshinaz ini think i'll go with samuel adams winter specials.......or maybe wine......or sparkling cider.......or apple cider....oh, i can't decide.
somebody help.
what's you favorite?.
Are the numbers accurate?
by Joshinaz inthey claim they are 7 million and growing.
is this true?
i haven't been to a meeting in 12 years but i know of at least 100 people i grew up with that have left the congregation.
I got my avatar today.
by Joshinaz ini couldn't get it to work through joshnaz, so i had to sign up under a slightly different name as joshinaz.
i went through the steps of and posted this picture of myself.
now everyone knows what i look like.