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JoinedPosts by Quarterback
"So, how many tracts did you place last month during the campaign???"
by stuckinarut2 inas we all know, the org now wants everyone to count the number of flimsy, one page tracts on every monthly report from now on.... so, what is the general buzz around the traps about how many the average witness is reported to have placed?.
(yes, it is a seriously stupid thing designed to keep the flock busy and also designed to measure their 'spirituality').
i need to fudge my report, and i havent got the foggiest clue what sort of numbers each witness has on average 'placed'......
"So, how many tracts did you place last month during the campaign???"
by stuckinarut2 inas we all know, the org now wants everyone to count the number of flimsy, one page tracts on every monthly report from now on.... so, what is the general buzz around the traps about how many the average witness is reported to have placed?.
(yes, it is a seriously stupid thing designed to keep the flock busy and also designed to measure their 'spirituality').
i need to fudge my report, and i havent got the foggiest clue what sort of numbers each witness has on average 'placed'......
120 is the average
BOE Letter: Re: Our Kingdom Ministry
by pixel inyou read it here first!.
to all congregations.
re: our kingdom ministry.
Just wait. Pretty soon we will be able to download letters to the BOE's.
The Real Reason For No More Bookstudies.
by ctrwtf inso i was just thinking about my days at wtf and driving out for book study when it dawned on me.. bethelites are given a stipend for travel based on nyc public transportation.
depending on how you pay let's just call it a $5.00 round trip.. if you drive your care you're also reimbursed for mileage at the standard irs rate.
let's round that down to .50 per mile.. if four bethelites get in a car and drive an average of 30 miles to the (former) bookstudy the society is spending 4x$5.00 for the stipend plus and additional $30.00 for mileage.
It was because Armaggedon was very close. It is so close right now. Watch's almost's's....your getting warmer,,,warmer......
The Great Crowd Catch 22
by Perry injust had a two hour conversation with my father.
he is insistent that he will be able to enter the kingdom of god as a member of the 'great crowd'.
he did agree that only the annointed are declared righteous.
You're right, Designs, Christianity does have many diverse opinions on Salvation, and Echatology. I don't condem any people who may view things differently from me. I get along with them.
Why do I beleive in a divine judgement and reward? Well I don't beleive in a reward, and a divine judgement in the many ways that Christianity has interpreted it.
I beleive in Divine Intervention, but, I don't have the details worked out yet.
The Great Crowd Catch 22
by Perry injust had a two hour conversation with my father.
he is insistent that he will be able to enter the kingdom of god as a member of the 'great crowd'.
he did agree that only the annointed are declared righteous.
I never did accept that teaching, along with other errors that are printed in the WT.
My view of salvation consists on what Jesus judges what is in your heart on that day of judgement.
The Great Crowd Catch 22
by Perry injust had a two hour conversation with my father.
he is insistent that he will be able to enter the kingdom of god as a member of the 'great crowd'.
he did agree that only the annointed are declared righteous.
Yes, well explain this one to me. We have an Anointed one in our congregation who is DF'd. He will be reinstated eventually. So is he declared righteous while in this state? He will be reintated, and then he will be partaking of the emblems again. But, those faithful other sheep have to wait 1,000 years to be declared righteous? What if we are wrong with the 1,000 years. What if it is a symbolic number? We were wrong on the length of a generation. Wrong on the length of a creative day.
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 08-31-2014 WT Study (FULL POTENTIAL)
by blondie inwt publications (old).
united nations
newly baptized brothers (not sisters) because the wts needs men to reach out.
Why not recognize some of the dead wood that have been neglected thru the years. Great job, Blondie.
New idol replaces golden calf in WT comic book.
by Wasanelder Once inwell, what do you think?.
I just got tatooed.....crap it says JW.Com.....What a lying weasel that guy was. Arrrgh
I hear it but I can't believe it
by Sour Grapes inmy elder friend told me that his kh is in need of upgrading their electronic system so that they can be ready for the big zone meeting in november and they need the flat screen televisions mounted to also enjoy all future special meetings put on by the branch.
the branch has given them the exact specifications and he mentioned the branch wants to use apple products.
they passed a resolution for a one time donation by the publishers to pay for the $6,000.00 system.
I've been ahead of the ORG for quite some time, now. I have had the internet, a 50 inch TV, and an Ipad before JW.ORG. They are catching up to me.