That Lost Sheep brochure has some subtle messages in it. In some personal experiences expressed it mentions actions that are not manifested in our treatment of DF'd ones. Note:
You can be sure that members
of the congregation will warmly
welcome you. Rather than criticize
or judge you, they will con-
firm their love for you and do
whatever they can to encourage
you.—Hebrews 10:24, 25.
“I was embarrassed to return to
the Kingdom Hall. I wondered
how the friends would treat me.
One of our elderly sisters who
was there 30 years ago said to
me, ‘Welcome home, Son!’ That
really touched my heart. I was
truly home.”—Javier.
“I went to the Kingdom Hall and
sat in the last row so that no
one would notice me. However,
many began to recognize me
from the days when I had attended
as a child. They welcomed me
and embraced me so affectionately
that I felt an overwhelming
peace. It was as if I had come
The elders will treat you kindly.
They will commend you for your
desire to rekindle “the love you
had at first.” (Revelation 2:4)
They will mercifully help you to
correct any mistakes you have
made, doing so “in a spirit of
mildness.” (Galatians 6:1; Proverbs
28:13) The elders may arrange
for someone to conduct a
study with you, perhaps in a
publication such as Draw Close
to Jehovah or “KeepYourselves
in God’s Love.” Rest assured
that the elders will comfort and
support you every step of the
way.—Isaiah 32:1, 2.
“During the eight years that I
was inactive, the elders kept
reaching out to me. One day, an
elder showed me some pictures
he had taken of us. They brought
back so many wonderful memories
that I began to long for the
joy I felt when I served Jehovah.
The elders lovingly helped me
reestablish a spiritual routine.”