JoinedPosts by Quarterback
Are You "Technically" Still A Jehovah's Witness?
by minimus ineven if you don't regard yourself as a practicing jw, some may view you simply as inactive, a lost sheep, etc.. if you were baptized but not disfellowshipped or disassociated, you may still be a jw---right?
your thoughts please..
In my mind I technically am a Rebel. I fight it very often, but I have these Rebel urges. -
Bro Loesch's talk.
by New day inrecently i heard through video link to our kh a talk by bro loesch where he attacked university study (again) but this time he prefaced his remarks by saying, and i quote, "the faithful slave does not forbid you to go to university.
" so this was a bad start as his following remarks made it clear that this was just a way of seeming reasonable while basically saying that we shouldn't do it.
he went on to use an illustration i think he has used before about a man with ocd who decided to kill himself.
It's a play on words.
"I'm not forbidding you, I'm telling you not to go to University"
If you found out TTATT at 80 and spent your entire life at Bethel, what would you do?
by John Aquila inwould you do a ray franz deal and write a book or keep quiet and live out the rest of your life in bethel?.
would you keep reading the watchtower magazine?.
Top ten things I would do if I were 80, a Bethelitte, and discovered ttat
10, I would work out each day at the Bethel Gym. 9, Cosy up to the rich Widows in my congregation. 8, Perhaps hold Lois Lanes hand. 7, Wear a good hair piece, and grow a moustache, 6. Wear that Metero Sexual suit. 5, Write a good book about retirement on a really low budget. 4, Tell them to take this job and shove it. 3, Fake a 15 minute increment FS report. 2, Sneak into the JW Broadcast room while they are live and say, "Jesus is here for his inspection, Guys" 1, Move to Canada, and get free strong medication.
The World Empire of False Religion, isn't this the Antitype of Babylon the Great?
by Quarterback indo you ever think that this one will be dropped as a old view?
Good points, friends
The World Empire of False Religion, isn't this the Antitype of Babylon the Great?
by Quarterback indo you ever think that this one will be dropped as a old view?
Do you ever think that this one will be dropped as a Old View? -
Getting married when you are spiritually out
by 1tMakesNoSence ini met this amazing girl about 6years ago at my local congregation.
i was 100% in back then.
about 3years ago i woke up spiritually and kept it undercover till a few months ago.. this girl is still very in (but she doesnt really do the things a reaaal jw should do.
Door knocking??? Are you kidding me????
You should be willing to die for your mate if you really care about her. If that will isn't there, then walk away.
Should I Shun My Dog?
by snugglebunny insome background:josie the miniature schnauzer is now 12 years old, so she's old enough to know the difference between right and wrong.
however, she insists on peeing in the middle of my beautifully tended lawn, which, as a consequence, is now covered in brown patches.
i've remonstrated with her a number of times and each time she purports to show a diplay of repentance, that is, she slinks away on her belly with her ears flattened down tightly to her head.
I would say that your dog has some fleas from Babylon. Take that pooch to the Snoop Dog Elder. -
No mention of DF in new brochure?
by thedepressedsoul ini went on my tablet today and clicked "yes" that i attended the convention (they probably tracked my ip and two elders will show up on my door step).
i scanned through the new brochure on bringing those who have left back.
i noticed that not once they mentioned anyone who was df!
This could be a good brochure for Public Relations. They can use and claim that , "See there is no shunning permitted in the congregations of JW's, here is our brochure" -
JWs and their views on Sex
by campaign of hate inin the past i have read on this forum that the wt have a say in the "bedroom" of couples.
i thought that was a bit overkill at first, but recently i have come to conclusion that this is true.. the control administered by the wt cooperation on ones sex life is not on only intrusive, its damaging.
they control every aspect of ones thought and action, thus leading most down a path that said corporation wants them to tread.. this path is to get married young, and then eternal loyalty the the organisation.. so how can an organisation force you to get married young?.
Pray before having sex? What do you do when you get to that part, "Lead me not into temptation?"
This sounds like another one of those Karate Kid posts. You know, the Karate Kid puts the "wax on, and wacks off"
List of Convention releases
by paulmolark inday 1 release - return to jehovah .
day 2 release - jesus - the way, the truth, the life .
day 2 release - become jehovah's friend - .
That Lost Sheep brochure has some subtle messages in it. In some personal experiences expressed it mentions actions that are not manifested in our treatment of DF'd ones. Note:
HOW WILL THE CONGREGATION RECEIVE ME? You can be sure that members of the congregation will warmly welcome you. Rather than criticize or judge you, they will con- firm their love for you and do whatever they can to encourage you.—Hebrews 10:24, 25. “I was embarrassed to return to the Kingdom Hall. I wondered how the friends would treat me. One of our elderly sisters who was there 30 years ago said to me, ‘Welcome home, Son!’ That really touched my heart. I was truly home.”—Javier. “I went to the Kingdom Hall and sat in the last row so that no one would notice me. However, many began to recognize me from the days when I had attended as a child. They welcomed me and embraced me so affectionately that I felt an overwhelming peace. It was as if I had come home.”—Marco. HOW WILL THE ELDERS HELP ME? The elders will treat you kindly. They will commend you for your desire to rekindle “the love you had at first.” (Revelation 2:4) They will mercifully help you to correct any mistakes you have made, doing so “in a spirit of mildness.” (Galatians 6:1; Proverbs 28:13) The elders may arrange for someone to conduct a study with you, perhaps in a publication such as Draw Close to Jehovah or “KeepYourselves in God’s Love.” Rest assured that the elders will comfort and support you every step of the way.—Isaiah 32:1, 2. “During the eight years that I was inactive, the elders kept reaching out to me. One day, an elder showed me some pictures he had taken of us. They brought back so many wonderful memories that I began to long for the joy I felt when I served Jehovah. The elders lovingly helped me reestablish a spiritual routine.” —