ur up too?
JoinedPosts by kes152
by OrangeBlossom indo you think the wts will ever reduce the number of meetings per week, maybe drop one night a week?
just curious!
it seems that everyone is so whipped from working all day, i really think that's why there is such a drop in meeting attendance.
God and Israel survey
by Zechariah ini think it would be interesting to know whether or not you believe that the jews recovery of their homeland (israel) in the 20th century had anything to do with god?
qualify your answer if you care to.. zechariah
just so you know...
the Jews make up only 2 tribes of Israel. Ben-jah-min and Ju-dah. The other 10 tribes of the sons of Israel were termed "Samaritans." So are you refering to the 'nation' of Israel, or just a part of Israel, the Jews?
Aaron -
by OrangeBlossom indo you think the wts will ever reduce the number of meetings per week, maybe drop one night a week?
just curious!
it seems that everyone is so whipped from working all day, i really think that's why there is such a drop in meeting attendance.
May I PLEASE ask you:
WHERE, o where in the scriptures does it say you get "spiritual food" at the meetings?
Where in the scriptures does it say there were meetings. Not just 'gatherings of association,' but actual conducted meetings?
The utterance of my Lord is recorded for you in John 6:55 where HE HIMSELF said what was spiritual food.
He said:
"For my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink."
"He that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood remains in union with me and I in union with him."
You want to be 'in union' with Christ, yes? What does he say you must 'eat and drink' in order for that to occur?
He also said:
"This is the bread that came down from heaven so that ANYONE may eat of it and not die. He that feeds on this bread will live for ever."
This is the 'spiritual food' that God has given us to eat and drink so that we can live forever.
You plan to live forever, yes? Jesus said you must eat his flesh and drink his blood to do it. Do you plan to "live forever" some 'other' Way?
The NWT says what his flesh and blood is in the cross references in John 6:53. It WILL take you to Matt. 26:26-28 and 1 Cor. 11:24, 25. Listen to what the spirit says to you when you read them. For THAT is our spiritual food that the Father has given us so that we can "eat of it" and NOT die.
Peace to you,
Aaron -
Jesus Christ1
by laazlo inunclebruce are you out there?
i would like to ask you some questions...
those "understandings" are correct of the JWs. Don't forget their 'blood' issue and Jesus is said to be 'mediator' of only 144,000 JWs.
All of which the spirit of my Lord inside me VEHEMENTLY disagrees. For he desires solely 'truth' and ANY deception utterly disgusts him.
Peace to you,
Aaron -
by OrangeBlossom indo you think the wts will ever reduce the number of meetings per week, maybe drop one night a week?
just curious!
it seems that everyone is so whipped from working all day, i really think that's why there is such a drop in meeting attendance.
Where in the bible were there ever meetings?
The Master said:
"For where there are 2 or 3 'gathered' together in my name there I am in their midst."
Gathered together for 'association' is VERY different from gathering together for a 'meeting.'
Peace to you,
Aaron -
Babylon the great
by perfectpie indoes anyone have an explanation of "babylon the great" as described in the book of revelation different than as explained by jehovah's witnesses.
thanks in advance pie
Peace to you,
Aaron -
Babylon the great
by perfectpie indoes anyone have an explanation of "babylon the great" as described in the book of revelation different than as explained by jehovah's witnesses.
thanks in advance pie
You said:
"Actually, whether they know it or not, Jehovah's Witnesses as an organization are directly tied into the prophetic drama! Because Babylon the Great will be proved to be, in the near future, clearly revealed to be, noneother than, the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, with its Governing Body, which presently leads 6 million clueless Jehovah's Witnesses, in some over 90,000 congregations worldwide."
And thus you concluded..
"TO MODERN-DAY "ISRAEL" (Jehovah's Witnesses):"
Indeed you are VERY, VERY, very close, but not quite. The reason you gave for Christendom is the very REASON why the WTBTS CANNOT be "Babylon the Great." Much like Christendom, the Jehovah's witnesses including the WT organization never claimed to be in the new covenant mediated by Jesus Christ. Hence they cannot act "wickedly against" a covenant from which they were never apart of. And according to witness doctrine, Jehovah's Witnesses as a whole are not the "Israel of God." They believe only the 'anointed' are. Babylon is called a 'harlot' because instead of being a "promised virgin bride of Christ," she has 'committed fornication' with the 'kings of the earth,' and proved false to the new covenant of which she claims to be in.
This leaves just one other 'group' of people. "Babylon the Great" is called, in the revelation that John recieved, the "Mother of the harlots and of all the disgusting things of the earth." Hence Babylon the Great is the GOVERNING BODY of Jehovah's witnesses and the HARLOTS to which they are "MOTHER" of is the ANOINTED REMNANT of Jehovah's wiitnesses still in the organization.
The WTBTS, which is DIFFERENT from the 'society,' is the 'beast' of which the ""Mother" both has a kingdom over and sits on. This 'beast' is one who has "come out of the earth" and is thus 'earthly,' has 2 horns like a Lamb, etc. And is 'causes to be 'killed' (or disfellowshipped) anyone would would not in anyway 'worship the beast and its image.'
The 'society' according to the JV book, is all the 'anointed' in the organization of whom they are ALSO termed the 'faithful and discreet slave.' The "Governing Body" are 'employed' by the 'society' to act as their "representatives" and thus claim to be the 'representation of the Lord on earth.'
The "harlots" with its "mother" are these of which my Lord said will "come on the basis of my name saying 'I am anointed' and will MISLEAD MANY." Instead of the 'anointed' LEADING people to the Christ and offering them free gift of holy spirit, they have 'led' them to an organization and have DEMANDED both their membership and their loyalty to it. Hence many have recieved the 'mark' and have worshipped it saying, "who is like the beast (this organization) so as to do battle with it?" These "harlots" are the women mentioned in Rev. 14:4 of which the 144,000 do not defile themselves with. These 'women' are also mentioned in Proverbs 2:16-19; 5:3-6, 20-23; 7:5-27; etc. This "strange, foreign" woman is one who has 'forgotten the covenant of her God,' has 'communion sacrifices,' etc. Obviously she is a 'relgious' related 'woman' of whom the Christ himself warned us against her.
Although the 'anointed' GB had resigned from the corp. in fullfillment of prophecy on Oct. 9th 2000, they still hold a 'kingdom' over the 'kings of the earth' who are not just in Bethel, but all over the organization.
Let the one who has ears "hear" what the spirit says to the congregations.
To 'anyone wishing anyone asking," Come, DRINK! the free gift of holy spirit from the inward parts of our Lord so you can have "life" in yourselves.
Look forward to your response,
Aaron -
Why I Think Its The Truth!
by normie67 inthis is normie thoughts on the threads about the truth..... i have huge doubts about a lot of things about the org.
i have been a jw for 20 yrs and still active(family reasons).
but nobody but nobody has refuted to my mind, the fact nobody does the evangelizing work jesus did.
Hello again Normie,
The 'spirit' inside of me HAS to respond to what you stated about how important it is to "herald" the kingdom of God.
I TOTALLY agree with you that we MUST preach the kingdom. But, may I ask you, "what is the good news?"
Is the 'good news' the SAME 'good news' that Jesus AND his disciples preached?
Before you answer, dear brother, take this into consideration:
Paul said,
"But though we, or an angel from heaven, should preach unto you any gospel other than that which we preached unto you, let him be accursed." (Gal. 1:8)
Tell me, was not the "good news" that ones can recieve holy spirit, the free gift, and also hope of everlasting life in heaven? Was not "heaven" THE good news?
How is it then that you preach a "different" good news that you can live forever (which is correct) but ONLY ON EARTH! (which is incorrect).
You remember how Christ is "heir of all things?" Well that means as "heir" he "inherited" the earth. Otherwise it would not be "all things," yes? Now, you remember there are "joint-heirs."
So "joint-heirs" would inherit all things as well. So wouldn't those who are "joint-heirs" with Christ "heirs of the EARTH" and hence "inherit the earth" just as their Lord did? Since "all authority has been given me in heaven and ON EARTH." Could the "joint heirs" be the "righteous who inherit the earth?"
Things that make you go "hmmm......."
Peace to you,
AaronEdited by - kes152 on 25 March 2001 11:41:30
Why I Think Its The Truth!
by normie67 inthis is normie thoughts on the threads about the truth..... i have huge doubts about a lot of things about the org.
i have been a jw for 20 yrs and still active(family reasons).
but nobody but nobody has refuted to my mind, the fact nobody does the evangelizing work jesus did.
My brother Normie,
Living forever on the earth changes nothing about "eating the flesh and drinking the blood" of our Lord. For if you wish to "live for ever" ANYWHERE, can you do it without "life" in yourself?
Jehovah provivded a Way, by which we can have "life" in ourselves SO THAT we can 'live forever.'
Are you willing to eat the "true food" and drink the "true drink" from heaven so that you CAN "live forever?"
For is there not one "Way" by which we can live forever? Is it not only through the Christ? And if so... then what DID the Christ "say" we must do to live forever?
"I am the living bread which came down out of heaven: if ANYONE eats of this bread, he WILL LIVE FOREVER: yea and the bread which I will give is my flesh, for the life of the world."
(John 6:51)May you have peace on April 8th,
AaronEdited by - kes152 on 25 March 2001 11:38:40
Why I Think Its The Truth!
by normie67 inthis is normie thoughts on the threads about the truth..... i have huge doubts about a lot of things about the org.
i have been a jw for 20 yrs and still active(family reasons).
but nobody but nobody has refuted to my mind, the fact nobody does the evangelizing work jesus did.
My dear sister/brother Normie,
I totally understand why you believe that the JWs is the "truth," For I too had the same understanding. I am however permitted to share somethings with you that are straight from the Bible and I wish to hopefully get your feedback on it, ok?
First, the "preaching work" .....
When the Master gave instructions on how they should go out to preach the kingdom of God, he told them to heal the sick, raise the dead, etc. But also notice He said
"And in that same house remain, eating and drinking such things as they give: for the laborer is worthy of his hire. Go NOT from house to house." (Luke 10:7)
Jesus himself did not go "house to house," rather he went "city to city" and "village to village" and only spoke to people in the public places, the market, and their synagogues (a.k.a. "false churches"). The only time the Master approached a home was when he was invited, either by a Pharisee, Zacchaeus, his beloved Lazarus, etc. He was always "invited" to a home, he didn't already "show up on their door step preaching." People who 'got the sense of it' wanted to hear the Master in their own homes and invite all their friends over to hear the 'truth.'
When Paul said he spoke "from house to house" the actual word was "according to house." And the same occured with Paul, he was invited into many homes. Thus, he taught in many homes because ones would beg him to stay with them after they heard him teach in the temples and in the public squares.
The second and MOST important that I was directed to share with you is the 'means' by which we can recieve "life." For such "life" is important if you plan to "live forever," yes?
Please, get a NWT reference Bible or any NWT that has cross references in the middle of the pages and read John 6:48-58. At first glance you will see nothing wrong, but notice John 6:53 which our Master is reported to have said:
"Jesus therefore said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, ye have NO life in yourselves."
May I ask you, what is the flesh and blood of the Son of Man? Before you answer, look at the N.W.T. cross references for "flesh" and "blood" and they WILL take you to Matt. 26:26-28, and 1 Cor. 11:24,25.
Now, read those verses in the NWT. The Master says there "Take eat, THIS IS my body (his flesh)." Now I know you KNOW what is taking place in those verses.
So now I ask you, since Jesus is the Word of God, is not he the one who could best explain what he meant? With that in mind, What DID Jesus say was HIS FLESH and BLOOD? Was it not the bread and the wine?
Now look again at John 6:53. "Unless ye eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, ye have not life in yourselves."
So what REALLY happens when you DON'T "eat the bread and drink the wine?"
He said:
"He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day." (John 6:54)
Tell me, do you want to have "everlasting life?"
"I am the living bread which came down out of heaven: if ANYONE eats of this bread, he WILL LIVE FOREVER: yea and the bread which I will give is my flesh, for the life of the world." (John 6:51)
Do you want to "live forever?" Do you want to help those to whom you 'minister,' live forever?
Did you notice the word "anyone" in Jesus' words?
We can talk about "eating and drinking judgement" later since that is an EASY topic.
In essence, Jesus set down what He himself called "spiritual food" and it was nothing more than the "bread and wine," not meetings in a 'kingdom hall' or 'convention.' just the 'bread and wine' is the spiritual food that "Jehovah" gave to us to eat so that we don't die. It is the "true food and true drink." (John 6:55)
the problem lies with the fact that even tho the NWT bible says otherwise, the WTBTS hinders people from partaking of this food from God. Thus they literally prevent people from recieving "life" IN THEMSELVES. Is this not what the scribes and Pharisees did?
thus my Lord said:
"You SHUT UP the kingdom of God before men, YOU yourselves do NOT go in, and ANYONE on their way in YOU HINDERED." (Matt. 23:13)
just so you know, I belong to no religion, I too was a JW. They got angry with me when I partook in the org. and professed to be of the 'anointed.' Now, I solely belong to Christ and obey his voice. Everything I was permitted to share with you I recieved from holy spirit and the same free gift is available to you. You can be able to "hear" the Son of God speak to you too through the "free gift" of holy spirit that is available to "anyone asking, anyone thirsting, anyone seeking." This way you can hear it directly from him and not need me. :)
Hope to hear from you soon
May you have peace,