You have started things simply but have not stated your side of the debate. I wonder what the definition of the term "generation" was to the apostles in the first century? I wonder also if some were declaring 1874 as the date of christs return vs 1914. Which one would have been "false doctrine" back then?
I would say christ came to establish a personal relationship with each and every person that he made his covenant with. Each person who accepts that covenant is part of that "organization" if thats the term we are using in this thread. All these individuals are united/organized by love of christ and by his sacrifice for us. In what each of us think, say and do in our everyday lives we bear witness to our lord. If thats talking to people at their homes or place of work or simply by our actions with people we come into contact with every day we can teach who christ was and what he was about.
I hate the secular man made incorporated "organization" of "Jehovahs Witnesses". There are some fine people inside the secular organization of Jehovahs Witnesses that I beleive are indeed united in christ, but its not because they are "Jehovahs Witnesses" It is because they are united by christ sacrifice for us. Same as catholics and lutherens or baptists.
I still say troll, but that doesnt have to be a bad thing at the end of the day.