If I didnt have kids then I agree with zed. I would go for a million dollars. Actually, i would go for $1000
attend the memorial this year..
If I didnt have kids then I agree with zed. I would go for a million dollars. Actually, i would go for $1000
attend the memorial this year..
phizzy.... going to the memorial or even a meeting or two is a powerful lesson if you have kids that still attend. Having your children actually SEE someone shun me, their father, who they love more than anyone, just trying to shake hands with someone has made my children very aware that something is wrong. Sitting next to them while the scripture where jesus says "take eat" and asking them right then and there why noone in the entire bldg is listening to jesus is a powerful message for them. Treat the meetings or memorial just like a christmas service or a regular church service. Dont prop it up to be something its not. Its a wierd quasi-semi-christian religion that has wierd rituals like EVERY OTHER RELIGION.
Dont make it the forbidden fruit. That is how the dubs win. They will warp that into their persecution complex.
Your making the meetings/memorial too important. Its just church!! nothing to be afraid of.
attend the memorial this year..
Im out. Young children still in with mother.
I go and tell my kids.... Listen to what Jesus says in the bible about what we should do with the bread and wine. I tell them dont ever let anyone tell you to not do what Jesus has told you to do.
They picked up on it very quick. Now its just reinforcement.
i am looking for the reinstatement guidelines for someone who has been actively trying to get reinstated for 2 years and have put in a reinstatement letter 3x in those two years but was denied everytime.
are the elders just making an example of them, have they permenately been kicked out, or maybe these people dont want to come back and this story is part of their fade.. .
has anyone ever heard of people not getting reinstated.
premeditated divorce/marriages can take a long time and a previous poster is correct... the innocent spouse does have some say (not officially though) I also think a few very nice contributions written in check form may help speed up the process.
I was innocent spouse (although df'd for smoking cigars around the same time) and my ex and her new money new husband got back in around 2 years later. They got back in before me! Frankly both ex, new hubby and new hubby's ex all deserve each other.
as jehovah's witnesses, we were never encouraged to give to any charitable organizations except for you-know-who .
.. what charities stand out in your mind?
i like doctors without borders as well as my local nyc public radio stations.
veerni project.... veerni.org
Read about them in National Geographic. They work on curbing the marriage rate for young girls in india. here is a link to the natgeo article..
so.....a jw friend brought me a $12.00 cuban cigar.. what's the big deal??
as far as i can tell, yuch!.
what am i missing?.
OOOOHHHH.... They are probably Dominicans!! Watch out though... those dominicans roll them way too tight!!
i was thinking about this today, many of the things i was told.
about life was a lie.
we were duped by the wt and by religion as.
good topic jam...
I look at it from perspective of having young children that are still associated with the jdubs because of their mother. I like to tell them that our job as parents is to teach them to use their head. To ask questions and not stop until it makes sense. That understanding will of course grow with them but if something doesnt feel right even when they are young then there is a reason it doesnt. My wife and I just joined a church right down the road from us simply because it shows them a different angle and also because they see the "worldy" people at this church of christendom and it doesnt jive with what they hear at the kingdom hall with their mother. When they hear at the kingdom hall that you have to pay to go to church, We can walk with them up to the pastor and directly ask him "how much do we have to pay to come here?" When the pastor said "absolutely nothing" that was more powerful than me telling my kids a hundred times that you dont have to pay money to a church. While I am not a fan of any organized religion I can see the merit in being involved, being part of the community of church.
I am of the opinion if I tried to completely remove the jdubs from their lives then the jdub life may become the forbidden fruit. I want them to be able to objectively look at the jdubs or any other church for that matter and be able to say "no thanks" In my view you cant say, have an open mind, be a critical thinker and on the other hand tell them to stay away from the jdubs. Its like I tell my kids, if someone doesnt want you to learn something or read a certain book its because they are hiding something from you. Dont limit yourself.
i have never heard this before until i read a life story of an ex-jws and how some jws in the past refused to eat pepperoni pizza because they thought blood was in pepperoni.
i do know some elderly jw sisters would complain about eating steak if it bled while cooking.
has anybody else heard of this pizza nonsense?.
Where the eff are you guys from? I am in Wisconsin and have never heard of this stuff??
Pepperoni with blood in it?? Now I have heard everything! (although i am sure there is more bat shit crazy ideas that I have missed)
what did you decide to do?.
leave with a bang, trying to educate those around you before leaving?
perhaps writing letters to others forgiving/ asking for forgiveness.. or.
Have kids and an uber dub ex-wife. Could not afford to fade. Im a pretty firm beleiver that if you have kids you cannot afford to fade. I still have contact w/ family on the inside. Trying to make progress with them but they are def still motivated by fear of "losing all the good friendships"
the yahoo7 web-site (aussie version) carries an item with this heading.. find it at:.
its clear (to me, anyway) that big changes are coming, and have been in the pipe-line for at least 5 years.
it was about that long ago, that i noticed a news report saying that the guangdong (provincial) govt.
It will help bring manufacturing jobs back to America! Although we americans will not work them because they will still not be high paying jobs that provide $70,000/year with another $30,000 in benefits.
zid... we can switch to getting shoes from the USA! The "problem" is that you have to pay for them and the living wage, insurance and pensions that it takes to make them if you want US made products. That is the trade off. I am not saying i am for or against cheap goods or that I am for or against living wages, insurance or pensions. There is a reason we have cheap products in our country and its because WE want them. Its not because Sam Walton wanted us to have them, its because we wanted them and Sam Walton figured out a way to give it to us. Simple economics