From my own experiences...
My parent stays in because the jdub unity is through fear, not through love. I lost alot of friends simply by writing a 3 sentance letter to the kingdom hall saying I dont agree with some policies. Friendships of 30 years wiped out (not from my perspective) in a heartbeat.
My parent cried for days when they realized jdubs teach that Jesus is not the mediator for them. My parent chooses to stay in for the social aspect friends, sons and daughters mothers who will be cut off if questions are brought out in the open. I dont agree with keeping them hidden by I am not my parent. They have their reason and they are no better or worse than my reasons. When you realize that this organization is not gods channel(nor is any other earthly organization) you are allowed to question it only if you are ready to lose a large percentage of family and friends.
Whether you stay or go is up to each individual. I will say though that you have a much better chance of making changes from within.