hey zana.... I am really happy to hear that you plan on getting your children involved! I have the "benefit" of having grown up in the church and know exactly what is going to be said to them, what the guilt trips are going to be like because I lived it. "Is your soccer game more important than jehovah?" "Do you think everyone at that party loves jehovah?" "Do you really want to move out of the house and have to pay for things like toilet paper and silverware?" You cant make that batshit crazy stuff up!! When I was 12 I didnt have an answer to those questions, now I can arm my children with life lessons and the thinking ability to realize those are fucking retarted questions!
I know first hand this stuff isnt easy. Life is not easy. I am not saying "follow my 12 step program" and all is well. Show your kids the world, immerse them in it and guess what? They may choose the JW lifestyle!!! It may happen. Its not likely but I am prepared for that. I cant worry about what they may or may not choose to do when they are adults. All I can do now is give them the tools that I think will make them successful adults, who happened to grow up having to go to the kingdom hall on a semi-regular basis. I am not leaving anything up to luck.
Village girl, I say this knowing you and I have a similar disdain and animosity for the the organization of jehovahs witnesses but save your end of the world JW = taliban references. The taliban CUTS PEOPLES HEADS OFF and FLIES PLANES INTO BUILDINGS and SUICIDE BOMBS SCHOOLS/CHURCHES/MARKETS !!!!! The blood issues is the only topic that can even remotely be brought into the arguement when compariing the taliban who CUTS PEOPLES HEADS OFF.
As for me and my family we choose to BREAK THE FUCKING BUBBLE!!! Do not fade if you have children!!