I propose a motion to the GB that women should have to wear a head covering when answering at the halls...
Can I get a second?
there is a video on jw org titled "what happens at a kingdom hall?
" i wouldn't suggest that you watch it as it's pretty sickly, as usual they are praying on emotions in order to encourage people to attend their halls.. the video is presented by a female but does show her face.
it just seems weird that they have allowed a woman to star in this very prominant role.
I propose a motion to the GB that women should have to wear a head covering when answering at the halls...
Can I get a second?
a prototype for testing in a year?
there have been a number of claims about fusion reactors in the past year but this seems the most bold.. .
Another example of why we live in the greatest time in human history! To bad allah is going to ruin it all any day now....
hello all, as you know, when jw tv was announced, our board went wild.
many comments, much speculation and alot of negative feedback on the quality, etc.
well, what has me concerned is that i have not heard a peep from any of my connections left in kingdom-land.
144000 club.... awesome!
if more faders stopped fading and just stopped,.
would more of the many closet unbelieving attendees just stop too, creating a momentum?.
millie210... I agree people stay for social reasons but if they do they are helping to enforce the cult mentality for the next generation of kids growing up in the organization. An individuals reason for staying does not matter. If you stay in you are showing the future generation that its ok to stay in. I think of all the men that I looked up to when I was a kid, I found out when I grew up that they were almost to a man just in it for their wives or family. By their inaction they created the illusion that it is ok to be in the organization. My view on every one of those "men" has been drastically changed, they were nothing but spineless doucebags in spineless sheeps clothing.
if more faders stopped fading and just stopped,.
would more of the many closet unbelieving attendees just stop too, creating a momentum?.
I would clarify it by saying the more people who wake up and let it be known that they are awake the more people will wake up. Fading plays into the Jdub mentality... By fading you allow people to guess or assume why you left and it will mostly be assumed you are weak. Punk is correct about everything he writes but in my opinion if more people would stop pussyfooting around and just make it known why they leave the more people will wake up. You can not give a shit about what people think and fade and that is fine but if you have any inkling to help others wake up you cannot fade.
It is another matter to stay in and help spread TTATT, but if you have to get out, fading is how the organization wants you to leave. For almost 30 years I did what the organization wanted me to do..... no more. I remember an interview with Ted Jaracz (allah rest his soul) saying in an interview once something to the effect of "if they want to leave they are free to just go away"
I have an honest question for you. I will gladly acknowledge that I no longer believe in the bible but that being said this is what I can not get over....
How do you justify believing in 1914, 1874 or any date for that matter when Jesus and the bible clearly codemn prognositcating dates?
When I still was of the opinion that the bible was god's word, I could not get over anyone trying to provide explanations of dates when the bible itself clearly admonishes to flee from false prophets or date prognosticating. It is a no brainer as far as I am concerned.
Since leaving for good it is hard for me to even fathom how someone can say/type the words 144,000 with a straight face. Once one wakes up and really takes questioning to the proper extent I do not see how you can look at any organization that bases its beliefs on the bible and come away with a positive view of them.
Technically the bible students have been wrong even longer than the jdubs and in another 100 years they will still have been wrong longer still. If you need the church i guess you need the church but for allah's sake its like nails on a chalkboard hearing about 144000, 1000 year rule, birds picking eyes out and sinners.
just got an email from elder sharing illustration from assembly.
the holy spirit does not seem to be in control as it supposedly was in the 1st century.
it's just lube now.
Holy spirit doesnt fap us!!!!! That is an awesome line bro!!
Almost spit out my coffee!
does anyone know where i can get a full copy of the "advertise" speech?
i cannot find it on the interwebs or using the search function.
i thought it was published in an old watchtower but i am not sure.... thanks for any help,.
Really?? I do have it.. Thanks bro
does anyone know where i can get a full copy of the "advertise" speech?
i cannot find it on the interwebs or using the search function.
i thought it was published in an old watchtower but i am not sure.... thanks for any help,.
Hello all,
Does anyone know where I can get a full copy of the "advertise" speech?
I cannot find it on the interwebs or using the search function. I thought it was published in an old Watchtower but I am not sure...
Thanks for any help,