I hate to disturb your slumber but Hillary did not have an inaugural address.
i thought i would start a new post about trumps inaugural address.
has anyone here seen "the new pope"?
jude law gave a stirring performance playing the pope.
I hate to disturb your slumber but Hillary did not have an inaugural address.
more patronizing and uninformed reasoning from the "experts" at bethel.
this time tackling the sensitive subject of those attracted the the same sex.
Talk to almost any gay person who had to go through growing up gay. Almost to a person they are near the view that they would not have chosen to go through what they were forced to by the viewpoint of good christians.
Having my high school age children talking about their friend william, dating deshawn now makes me feel a) incredibly proud of my kids, b) happy that it is much easier for these kids to grow up normal and c) acutely aware of the negative way I thought about gay people while still in the church.
I dont understand the "trump is a puppet" comments. Almost all his detractors keep talking about all the stupid shit he says and how he continues to shoot from the hip. His speech was too dark, he didnt reach across to those who didnt vote for him. blah. blah. blah. If there is one thing Trump is, he is his own man.
He is not looking for wwIII. He is surrounding himself with doubters and outsiders (very wealthy outsiders but outsiders nontheless) They are do'ers not talkers. He is going to treat the government like a psuedo-business. Time will tell whether that is a proper outlook or not. If its not, he has enemies on both sides of the isle to make him a one term lame duck prez.
You can take the endtimes man out of the cult but you cant take the doomsday out of the man.
is it just me who doesnt see the point of this ?
from time to time we see some individual who takes up page after page arguing his or her point of view and it usually ends up with only 2 or 3 individuals who keep the talkfest going with a particular individual and nobodys getting anything out of it .. why bother ?
why get sucked in to such a pointless dialogue ?
I agree w/ outlaw... Those posts can play a critical role for lurkers who dont quite have the courage to start posting or asking questions themselves. When I was a lurker for my first few months here, those are the posts that I read from the 1st to the last page. They give all the superficial answers that I already had to "tough" questions. Questions that are blown away by the extremely well thought out and pointed answers of our fellow posters. I dont care if the questions are genuine or just trolls but they help out the still afraid and "fading" class of jw doubters.
I personally dont need or read all of them anymore but many new / lurkers do. Posters like "standfirm", "a beleiver" do a great service to our members and future members.
this is another great video from theramin trees called "punishing doubt".
fantastic reasoning, and very well presented!.
really worth watching!!.
been reading this site for awhile now.
i have had a long and often tragic life as a jw.
my story is so long because i'm pretty old :) i feel sad i've been locked in fear and guilt for my entire life.
Immerse yourself in the real life.... as you are aware it is difficult losing friends that you have had your entire life. Join a club or another mainstream church or just go out w/ work friends and put yourself out there as soon as possible. Talking to many different people in real life will help you cope with this colossal change in your life.
You woke up. It is what it is. You cannot go back to sleep. I was a 30 year born in. Its diff but it gets better!
Read what you want to read, talk with who you want to! Its your life now!
US intelligence has reliable intel that iraq has weapons of mass destruction and Bush agrees... bush is an idiot and a war mongerer
US intelligence has reliable intel that russia hacked and rigged our elections and Trump disagrees... Trump is an idiot and not fit for office
Cant win for losing...
this really annoyed me towards the end.
the watchtower doesn't do its members any favors by frequently warning about stumbling and offending each other.
it's no surprise that this becomes a cult control tactic where you can't even groom yourself the way you want because it might be "cause for stumbling".. with so much emphasis, it became wussification and contributed to the toxic environment of jehovah's witnesses.
Holy eff daughter!!!
Through all of that... you are awake!!! Fuck her good parts, she is absolute poison!
Good for you!
dear glorious ones, we feel certain that our statement in the february 2017 watchtower - "the governing body is neither inspired nor infallible.
therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction" - will assuredly save each one of you from taking a bullet this year when the australian royal commission and the u.k. charities commission's findings are made public and inflict punitive measures on the organization for its historical failure to weed out pedophile and to protect children.
if the minions are challenged, they now have a ready-made conversation stopper and can show it to dissenters on their electronic devices.
That is awesome.... This is a step in the right direction... This gives irrefutable in print ammo for the fading class to use in the fight against the cow eyed elders.
hey koncept.... I like that phrase... "making it clear their decisions could be wrong" In my view (not inspired or infallible) this will allow awake persons still trapped inside to start making waves.
my husband and i recently moved back to our hometown so we are back on the radar for the elders.
we have been happily inactive the last few years.
the other day a brother, who was once friends with my husband, and a substitute circuit overseer stopped in my husband's work for a shepherding visit if they still call it that.
Hey koncept... you wonder why he didnt tell them to leave and let them ramble on for 30 minutes at his work?
When you fade, you willfully stay within the system of the dubs. You certainly have a diminished presence at the hall but make no mistake you are still a part of the system... You are still not making waves, still trying to make nice with everyone, still "waiting on jehovah" to change the stance on "inactive, df and da'd ones" All these things are expertly instilled in you at a very young age as a jdub and as a fader you are applying them flawlessly.
Fading does not make you a good or bad person, it just makes you not true to yourself.