What is being taken away from women? It seems to me that the good ol usa is a country that the world can look to for an example of what women can do/become. Housewife, executive, proffessional athlete, hell women can even be clergy now!! Next thing you know we will have women in the most prestigious schools in the nation and then we will have them running for president!
What is being taken away from minorities? Trump wants to seriously look at the problems in immigration, the problem of millions of illegals and a long hard look at immigrants from islamic countries? Shouldnt we already be doing that?
Of the ten or so jobs I have had in my short life from telecommunications to the fire service, women made/make the same as me. It is up to all workers to demand that they are paid what they are worth, through unions or bargaining directly with their employer or starting their own business.
That being said.... March on if thats what floats your boat!!
May America be blessed by the one and only true god, allah