sorry, posted in here already, de ja vu!
Posts by beth_
Survey: How long were you in the cult vs what year you were baptized
by ILoveTTATT2 inhi people,.
i want as much data as possible on the effect of the internet on the time captured by the cult.. please answer the three following questions about yourself or about someone you know (for example, if your parents or grandparents were jw's and left).
1) were you raised as a jw, or did you convert?.
Survey: How long were you in the cult vs what year you were baptized
by ILoveTTATT2 inhi people,.
i want as much data as possible on the effect of the internet on the time captured by the cult.. please answer the three following questions about yourself or about someone you know (for example, if your parents or grandparents were jw's and left).
1) were you raised as a jw, or did you convert?.
1) raised in -- parents were studying when I was born
2) 1994
3) 2010
16 years
my husband:
1) born in, third generation I believe
2) 1997
3) 2010
13 years
Thank our friends at JW Talk for the Convention Release Scans
by puffthedragon inwell our dear faithful ones at jwtalk have seen fit to provide jehovah's "food at the proper time" earlier to the rest of the world than their governing body sees fit, so to follow are the scans from the convention.. .
dvd front:.
My husband and kids saw this kids dvd at my parents' house today. They left it out presumably to try to tempt the grandkids to want to watch it. They had their convention last weekend in Portland, OR. So yes, it's real.
Has domestic abuse against JW women relented over the last 10 years? Discuss.
by cedars insoft+gentle, who i'm sure we are all very fond of, has been expressing some strong opinions on my thread below:.
as soft+gentle's opinions seem to be undermining the seriousness of domestic abuse, i thought the best thing would be to give soft+gentle the opportunity to defend his or her opinions on his or her very own thread.
Oh, I should also mention that the pedophile grandpa is a JW in good standing! My mom works in the courts and has first hand knowledge (but it's also public record) of both of these things (the abusive husband going to jail overnight, his DUI's, and the grandpa spending time in prison because they keep a record of registered predatory sex offenders).
Has domestic abuse against JW women relented over the last 10 years? Discuss.
by cedars insoft+gentle, who i'm sure we are all very fond of, has been expressing some strong opinions on my thread below:.
as soft+gentle's opinions seem to be undermining the seriousness of domestic abuse, i thought the best thing would be to give soft+gentle the opportunity to defend his or her opinions on his or her very own thread.
cedars: Yep, they're still married. They had two girls after he was reinstated. I don't ask about him anymore -- his parents are too embarrassed to talk about him so they don't tell my parents anything, and my friend/his brother married a non JW and became an apostate before me :) -- his brother won't have anything to do with him now. So, I really don't know if he still drinks or is at all abusive.
His wife's dad is a convicted (spent time in prison) pedophile, and they let her parents watch the kids, so I don't know what it would take for her to leave him.
Has domestic abuse against JW women relented over the last 10 years? Discuss.
by cedars insoft+gentle, who i'm sure we are all very fond of, has been expressing some strong opinions on my thread below:.
as soft+gentle's opinions seem to be undermining the seriousness of domestic abuse, i thought the best thing would be to give soft+gentle the opportunity to defend his or her opinions on his or her very own thread.
Ok, here's what I wrote the first time that didn't post:
9 years ago my husband and I witnessed domestic abuse at a small JW gathering. My best friend's brother got drunk (found out later he was an alcoholic, I think he was 21 at the time). His fairly newlywed wife said something jokingly to him that he didn't like, he yelled at her which got everyone's attention so we all saw him push her into the tall china cabinet which almost fell on her -- glasses and china fell all over the floor. The closest people to her were able to catch the hutch. He then drove off drunk extremely fast. The real kicker? his wife had had open heart surgery the week before and he pushed her in the chest!
This abuse went on for two years, so up until 7 years ago. We didn't live in the same town, but we heard from my parents and his brother (my friend) of other instances of him hurting her in private and in public. Also 2 or 3 DUI's, I think he lost his license for quite a while. Finally he got so bad that his wife ran to a JW neighbor's house where he tried to break down their door and then tried to break a window, wouldn't leave when they told him to, and stood screaming at her on their porch while the neighbors watched. They called the police and he spent a night in jail and that is what finally got him df'd (since it was a ministerial servant's house he was trying to break into to get at his wife).
So yeah, they did something about it after two YEARS of having other JW's witness his crazy abusive behavior and report it to them. The first instance at least three of us separately went to the elders. He was reinstated within a year...
Has domestic abuse against JW women relented over the last 10 years? Discuss.
by cedars insoft+gentle, who i'm sure we are all very fond of, has been expressing some strong opinions on my thread below:.
as soft+gentle's opinions seem to be undermining the seriousness of domestic abuse, i thought the best thing would be to give soft+gentle the opportunity to defend his or her opinions on his or her very own thread.
Trying a new browser...
Has domestic abuse against JW women relented over the last 10 years? Discuss.
by cedars insoft+gentle, who i'm sure we are all very fond of, has been expressing some strong opinions on my thread below:.
as soft+gentle's opinions seem to be undermining the seriousness of domestic abuse, i thought the best thing would be to give soft+gentle the opportunity to defend his or her opinions on his or her very own thread.
by Snoozy intonight's show is one i have been looking forward to seeing.
it is a story about a man that has over 2,000 rats in his home as pets!.
his house is a wreck, i could stand that .
I watched 3 of those shows and decluttered so much afterwards that our house is super easy to clean :). I can't imagine what the ones with animals must smell like!
Did Paul write Luke?
by iamwhoiam inluke 1:1-4 (nwt).
1whereas many have undertaken to compile a statement of the facts that are given full credence among us,2just as those who from [the] beginning became eyewitnesses and attendants of the message delivered these to us,3i resolved also, because i have traced all things from the start with accuracy, to write them in logical order to you, most excellent theoph ilus,4that you may know fully the certainty of the things that you have been taught orally.. act 1:1,2 (nwt).
1the first account, o theoph ilus, i composed about all the things jesus started both to do and to teach,2until the day that he was taken up, after he had given commandment through holy spirit to the apostles whom he chose.. just curious.
I really enjoyed (and felt like I learned a lot from) these lectures by Dale Martin at Yale -- numbers 9 and 10 are on Luke and Acts. He says Luke and Acts were written by the same person, making Acts one of the books not written by Paul. He tells which books are for sure written by Paul and which are controversial among scholars.