This is very interesting question indeed.
I think I could adjust my thinking, it is much easier for me as my issues are truly on personal level. The teachings and theology whether right or wrong, or something in between do not matter for me in that extent. Actually I adjusted my attitude for decades, knowing that this is not my thing, but I better stick to it. Realising finally that my self-deceit do not lead anywhere, neither in this world or in world after Armageddon, was the tie-breaker for me. I understood clearly that I would not cross the gates to the new world the way I lived, and honestly I did not really even wanted to. For me it is really question about if I am decent enough not to lie to God or to myself. Adjusting my attitudes, as I see it today, would be just that, continuing the lie just to please some people. They don't deserve it, neither do I.
So I could really adjust my attitude, if living a lie would not matter to me. Today it matters, tomorrow I have no idea.