This reason would make sense only if they are scheduled for having a part in the program. Then maybe they should be interviewed and prepped by hq people. Otherwise their local BOE stops them or let them go.
This reason would make sense only if they are scheduled for having a part in the program. Then maybe they should be interviewed and prepped by hq people. Otherwise their local BOE stops them or let them go.
below is from an email jw match sent me to get more involved on their site.
taking into account how the borg feels about dating (do they still want you to be chaperoned?
) i was kinda taken aback to see this.
does anyone have access to the convention dates in the us for this year?
seems like they were always listed in the first watchtower of the year.
are they still doing that?.
Under tab lookup is possibility to search for conventions globally.
does anyone have access to the convention dates in the us for this year?
seems like they were always listed in the first watchtower of the year.
are they still doing that?.
Last year at least most of the European summer events were found in site. Maybe that applies for US too.
program 2011 - 2012. theme: 'let god's will take place' - matt.
6:10. morning session.
9:40 music.
Well that's because they already forgot the previous one.
my daughter is also on her email list.
i believe my daughter has informed her that i dont go to meetings any more, and i think my friend is trying to encourage me.
however, my daughter has shunned me, my husband and her two brothers for almost five years even though none of us are dfd.
Interesting information about Amish shunning practices
i remember a lot of witnesses working throughout the country for trim-line when i was younger.
i think it was started by a jw at the time.
i worked for the trim-line in indiana when i was younger.
I did not work for them personally but many of my friends did. I bought some trimmings for my vehicle with reduced rate from them. And this was in some obscure lilliput country in continent.
british dubs are invited to attend a special convention next summer in dublin , irish republic.
o k, this kind of trip has been done many times before.
however i have never seen such a crude and rigid set of rules that would apply to their own people going on a trip, at their own expense of course.
The fun part here is that the local people may attend this special convention (I guess) as guests in almost whatever kind of attire.
it's possible to choose people you get to know.
so, in learning about the people around you, it is possible that the things you learn about them could be things you appreciate or, at the very least understand.
many ex-jw's believe they married for other reasons (than love ) such as spiritual qualities or for security.
No, but not because of the KH. It was more like that I would have liked to fall in love with a specific person but they did not find the idea attractive.
When my baptism questions were asked, I wish I would have answered no to question, have you dedicated yourself to Jehovah. Thruthfull answer would have been no, I have no clue what you are talking about, but that question sounded like those you should answer yes to, which I did.