I wish you had nerve to go and pick up a chair and sit through this experience.
so i was posting on the forum and 2 neatly dressed jws came.
they didnt know who i was so i opened the door.... .
they started with their regular fear inspiring statements that god will destroy the "world", so i asked if he was gonna destroy me..... and thats where the fun started.
I wish you had nerve to go and pick up a chair and sit through this experience.
which is what a dub said to me today.
i would like to come back to him with evidence that they are not.
does anyone have any helpful links they could post to refute this?.
Continuation to AnonJW notes
What seems to have happened couple of last years that high magnitude quakes are slightly more common than in general. But in overall the quaker figures are somewhat constant. higher magnitude will automatically mean more forces and energy in action, exponentially unfortunatelly.
i went to the assembly for half a day today.
does truth change?".
"the truth does not change," she said, "but our understanding of it changes.".
As I understood it during my active years the reasoning was following
1. There is an absolute truth, at this time it is not completelly revealed to us, we could not handle it.
2. The existing light is the only one people need to follow, not trying to promote new thoughts and quicken the path of new light, because
3. The person's true nature and Godly behavior is only measured in how accurate this person will obey the existing light as presented by the slave class
So in essence it would not matter if our understanding or what we believe today looks like this and would be understood in totally opposite way tomorrow, as the only thing that really matters is following the current understanding presented by slave class. People following or referring to old understanding or people speculating new understanding (that very well might become the new light later) have kind of fallen from the correct path as they are not exactly following what current light is about.
The conclusion of all this is that what was believed (understood) at one point of time do not really matter or should bother us, as the real truth will not be revealed until in the very last possible point of time, maybe even after the big A with the new scripts.
well this past weekend was pretty much as predicted, the demonstrations were probably the worst i have ever seen.
you know the ones i mentioned on a post last week where in the middle the participant has a sudden epiphany!
here is a sampling of just a few.. .
I always felt compassionate shame during these demos, in most cases I just couldn't watch what was going on. My extreme sense for realism couldn't handle those. I am so weak.
as you may remember, i have a jw window cleaner, one who likes to whistle kingdoom melodies while he works.
drives me crazy!
so i put music on while hes here and it stops him.
As the window cleaning is not taking ages for a specialist, I would hold my playlist short
Depeche Mode-Blasphemous Rumours
Bronski Beat-Smalltown Boy
Depeche Mode-Personal Jesus (in refrain lifting your arms towards the sky, like you would be begging)
silly stuff i have wondered in the past .
genesis 1:27 makes it sound like god created man separately and/or first.. then in 2:7 it sounds like he created adam first on his own.. in 2:18-22 it would seem to corroborate the adam first and eve second as a separate act.
plus in 2:18-22 it seems to infer in 2:18 that it was a separate notion on gods part that adam would be better off or happier with a helper or mate.
If Eve would have been there prior naming all the animals and stuff, do you really think Adam would have had much saying. This was wisdom from God, otherwise we wouldn't have any names for animals and plants until this day.
i ask this question in harmony with deedub's swan song thread which i linked below.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/members/private/205902/1/time-to-say-good-bye.
to some degree, i think i understand where she's coming from.
just speaking from my own experiences since stepping into the world of anonymous apostacy, i went through a few different phases of personal outlooks.
This is very interesting question indeed.
I think I could adjust my thinking, it is much easier for me as my issues are truly on personal level. The teachings and theology whether right or wrong, or something in between do not matter for me in that extent. Actually I adjusted my attitude for decades, knowing that this is not my thing, but I better stick to it. Realising finally that my self-deceit do not lead anywhere, neither in this world or in world after Armageddon, was the tie-breaker for me. I understood clearly that I would not cross the gates to the new world the way I lived, and honestly I did not really even wanted to. For me it is really question about if I am decent enough not to lie to God or to myself. Adjusting my attitudes, as I see it today, would be just that, continuing the lie just to please some people. They don't deserve it, neither do I.
So I could really adjust my attitude, if living a lie would not matter to me. Today it matters, tomorrow I have no idea.
here is a recap of last years service year.. 116 branches down from 118.
236 lands reporting same as last year.
107,210 total congregations up from last year total of 105,298.
Thanks for collected stats
Funny detail about memorial attendance
Attendants +2,96%
Partakers +3,18%
Which btw is also higher than increase in publishers
I just love to hate the statistics
i noticed two of these guys (losch, and the one to h is left) both have rings on their right hand ring finger.
i have known several co's and do's to wear rings on their right hand.....david biegler i think wore one.
i don't find many r&f male jw's or average "worldly" men wearing rings on their right hand.
It doesn't apply to men, but in my youth when hot sisters wore a ring in their right ring finger it meant that they were already reserved or had chosen at that time to pursue a life without marriage. It made the distric convention games so much easier with these symbols.
so i get the call a couple weeks ago from the secretary concerning my time for the month.
he called on a thursday and said that he is looking forward to seeing me at the meeting tonight and to make sure i turn in my time for the month.
" all the while thinking, yeah right, i'm not even going to be at the meeting let alone turn in my fake time!.
I sent zero reports for some time, no questions asked, nothing. Obviously it was more important to report in overall than what you reported. Funny actually, those zero reports I remebered to always send in due time, those faked 1-2 hour things had to be pulled from me.