I read it at conventions when it was part of the program, and if it was handled in meeting for field service. Otherwise I did not touch the book.
actually, i did not read the daily text everyday, i would say once a while.
I read it at conventions when it was part of the program, and if it was handled in meeting for field service. Otherwise I did not touch the book.
page 28, paragraph 13:.
"an improper romantic relationship could develop within the congregation.
daniel and his wife, sarah, were regular pioneers.
Did they state that the names were changed?
what the cartoon expresses is .... should this go beyond state issue to .
federal issue or further still to divine issue ?.
those who recognize divine authority see the issue as what is righteous and what is wicked .
I wouldn't say they are the same. For me as definition right or wrong are absolutes. Righteousness and wickedness are again more a state of mind kind of thing. This allows righteous to make wrong and wicked to make right.
in our last ca it was said from the platform that the gb has said we shouldn't buy food that is only produced at certain times of the year.
although not specified i imagine they meant turkeys, christmas puddings, easter eggs, hot cross buns etc.
the reasoning that it's attached specifically to pagan festivals.
Actually it is very clever to wait until they put these periodical products in sale, can you imagine how much money they will save and still get their experience, without problems with conscience. After the feast they are, exactly as in old times, food that WAS food sacrificed to false gods but not anymore.
I must admit, I've been eating all this celebration foods in due celebration times, without feeling bad about it. On top of that I have then also many times taken advantage of this post-celebration sales, easter eggs and candies for sure.
i periodically check the talk page of the jw wikipedia page.
when i entered the search terms, i noticed jw in norway, which aroused my curiosity.
according to the article on religion in norway, norway funds most religious groups.
If I do not remember things totally wrong, I think it was in Sweden or could it have been Norway organisation even appealed when state support was denied.
well it's been exactly 2 years and 2 weeks since the night where i investigated (googled) as much about jws as i could after being born and raised in the cult till my mid 20s.
it took just one all nighter to completely demolish all of the doctrines and bullshit of the religion.
basically after that i went to one more convention and have not stepped into a kingdom hall since.
Encouragement based on experience, please do search a qualified and compatible (the latter being more important) therapist if you even have a hunch that this is something you should do. I can guarantee you that you do not want to hit the bottom, earlier you get help better chances are that you won't reach there.
it's not an occupation for everyone.
there are days i wish i chose a different road.
i do have to give the education some of the credit for waking me up.
Ok, there came the explanation, sad ignorant me who didn't know. Well at least she has something to talk about with her fellow sisters.
does the wts sanction baptism of gun carrying law officers?.
does being a cop or prison guard or any other occupation requiring the carrying of a weapon.
disqualify a person from personal dedication to jehovah according to the fds?.
I know couple of law-enforcing-officers that were baptised, it was possible first after they changed their role in police force to such that they did not need to carry gun while working. Funny though that private JW hunting groups are quite ok.
it's not an occupation for everyone.
there are days i wish i chose a different road.
i do have to give the education some of the credit for waking me up.
Wow, I did approach one of the JW nurses I know, when I told her that as it is nurse week and wished her happy nurse week, she was looking at me like I would have wished happy halloween, christmas and new year at the same time.
it's not an occupation for everyone.
there are days i wish i chose a different road.
i do have to give the education some of the credit for waking me up.
Happy nurse week sheep indeed, may I extend your wishes even to some JW nurses I know, or would it be way too brazen.