Hey Love2Bwordly, I bounced in and out of AA for 10 years before I finally got 1 year sober. Now I have 10 of them (as of February 15th).
When I finally did figure out how not to drink, I discovered food. Mostly donuts. It didn't take long for me to start packing it on. Having always been a skinny little stick, going from 140 to 215 lbs was one helluva box of donuts. You mentioned taping a picture of your younger self on your mirror. Try posting a current picture of yourself in your underwear on the opposite side of the mirror.
Also, I started going to the gym in an effort to channel my addictive personality in to something less destructive. I know it sounds cliche' but it really is true - once you get started you get addicted. You start feeling good. You get an endorphine rush that just makes you feel good. Makes it harder to be depressed and provides you with a general sense of personal, healthy pride and motivation. It will also speed up the results of any diet you undertake. The benefits of both cardio and resistance training are physical AND mental.
I went from 215 to a well toned 185. I look healthy and feel great.
Wishing you the very best of success!