Mr. Falcon is right and reminded me about something. During an assembly did any one of you get to sit in the Chairman's Office? In my old circuit that can only happen by invitation from the CO (only, I think). Anyway, that is where circuit heavyweights sit to rate the speakers. Now the kicker is these guys think they are so special that they have catered meals brought in at circuit expense. They dine during the sessions and have glass bottles, containers, and glasses that the rest are not allowed to have. When I first saw that I felt guilty, even embarrased to partake. BUT mostly I felt disappointed in the character of those in the room. They even joke about their privilage. I didn't fit in and excused myself, felt like crap over seeing that whole thing. They really do think they are special.
JoinedPosts by pontoon
No Part of The World Circuit Assembly Highlights
by DavinciCodeBreaker inwell this past weekend was pretty much as predicted, the demonstrations were probably the worst i have ever seen.
you know the ones i mentioned on a post last week where in the middle the participant has a sudden epiphany!
here is a sampling of just a few.. .
No Part of The World Circuit Assembly Highlights
by DavinciCodeBreaker inwell this past weekend was pretty much as predicted, the demonstrations were probably the worst i have ever seen.
you know the ones i mentioned on a post last week where in the middle the participant has a sudden epiphany!
here is a sampling of just a few.. .
I believe they use soliloquies because the GB and the writing staff are so impressed with themselves. They think their writing is the best, even better than a real life experience, and they pat each other on the back about the great program they wrote and then write a service meeting part about the wonderful program for this years circuit assemblies and the friends leave the assembly saying it was the best one yet because that is what they are suppose to say but they are thinking 'glad that's finally over' but meanwhile the writing staff is gloating about how smart and whitty they are and how they could be writing for Hollywood but everything is just too wonderful for them at Patterson.
Do You EVER Think These World Events Could Be Prophecies Being Fulfilled?
by minimus ineither from the bible, nostradamas or by some other seer?.
Sorry about that blank. Remember, if you start to think the Wat. is all true and it is time to go back, you'd be returning to a God that taught men how to kill and shed blood in the first place. Remember Jeh. looked at Able favorably for his animal scrafices, but did not protect him from his own brother. Remember, if you think it is all true, Jeh. is now watching the human tragedy in Japan, that he could have stopped, babies, children, HIS OWN SERVANTS dying horrible deaths, suffering hardships for the living. You sure you want to go back?
Do You EVER Think These World Events Could Be Prophecies Being Fulfilled?
by minimus ineither from the bible, nostradamas or by some other seer?.
Channels Turn Foul as they Ebb
by Marie B. Paraison inthe watchtower channel is ebbing.
one sister told me that the change in the number of meeting days from three days to two days is because of a shortage of funds needed to pay for utilities.
in this economy and the waning of finances the kingdom hall attendees can look forward to meeting once a week in the future.. .
pontoon really on to something. We had a bk st group that started to prepare the Watchtower together. Started as a family study that invited others to join them and it grew into a group of 15-25 people. It included at least 2, sometimes 3 or four elders. Brothers dressed nice for it, but not suits or ties. Our sisters dressed nice, some dressy pants, the sisters always look good. Socialized afterwood, about that whole group would show up for it, as well as some from other bk st groups. Well, it got officially shut down because it wasn't a official Wat. authorized meeting. Elders involved were counseled. Main objection was that was how 'splinter' groups that deviate from Wat. teaching started. Another reason was that some would feel that they didn't have to go to the KH for the Wat. study. Other lame reasons as well. So that was it, study with your family, maybe invite a single bro or sis to join, but no more. So it's wrong to study in a large group unless Wat OK's it.
What JW's pray for
by pontoon inpublic prayers.
probably a thousand times a day brothers are praying that jeh "please be with our brohood around the earth.........." after every major diasaster the prayers go "please jeh allow your spirit to keep our bros spiritually strong as they endure their trials.........." this is one area of the truth when i was in that i was never able to be at peace with in my mind.
jeh is not caring for the bros. tell that to a witness and the classic answer is eccl.
Public prayers. Probably a thousand times a day brothers are praying that Jeh "please be with our brohood around the earth.........." After every major diasaster the prayers go "please Jeh allow your spirit to keep our bros spiritually strong as they endure their trials.........." This is one area of the truth when I was in that I was never able to be at peace with in my mind. Jeh is not caring for the bros. Tell that to a witness and the classic answer is Eccl. time and unforseen.......befall all men. But isn't Jeh the Almighty and more powerful than time and unforseen........ Well, Jeh. doesn't predestine or have a direct influence in individuals today......... Well, why do we pray that he does.......... on and on and on......... Has't Jeh seen enough suffering yet
How were your prayers anyway? Mine were awful. I never learned how to be 'wordy', saying the same thing over three different ways and making it sound eloquent. I'd rather do a service meeting part than say a prayer. Now, really there is not much most of us can do to help in a diasaster beyond sending money, but I believe when JW's say their prayer asking for help, for many they feel 'relieved' of any personal feeling to help (money) because they did their part, fulfilled their responsibility, they asked Jeh to help. Not all, but many.
Anyone With Major Judicial/Service Department Experience?
by A question inis there anyone on the board with a large amount of experience with judicial matters or (preferably) with the service department of the society or perhaps even worked on the service department?
if so, i would appreciate the answers to at least some of the following questions:.
does the society ever take the initiative to remove elders, and if so, how do they do it?
A QUESTION I was a dub for 40+ yrs. Served for 20 yrs. The senario I laid out in my post yesterday is a general description of how I've seen these situations go. I remember three times when this has happened, once in my congo, a long time ago before I served, but I doubt there was one person in our congo that didn't know what was going on. The problem, as mentioned in other posts was a dysfuntional BOE, during a time that our congo NEEDED a funtioning BOE. I won't comment on that specific. One bro. sent in actually moved into our territory, another brother commuted into our territory. I don't know if those two bros. worked or even knew each other before.
Another time was in another state in my brother in law's congo. For years he would tell me how bad his BOE was, he was a ex-bethelite, pioneer, elder, and had loose lips. I guess he felt he could confide in me. When the clean-up boys were sent into his congo he was one of the ones removed. Moved to another congo with a much better "spirit" according to him and was after some time appointed. Not too long after, that body was no to make a long (years) story short. Moved to another state and was appointed. On visits and phone conversations he started to complain about that BOE. I eventually told him that he seemed to be the common denominator on all these problem BOE's. After that he no longer confided in me, but he was removed or forced to step down. He didn't move, but he changed congos. He is presently serving. It's a saga........on & on and I feel bad for my sister.
Third time was in a nearby congo. Don't know much about it. Just bros. were sent in, cleaned it up and left.
Anyone With Major Judicial/Service Department Experience?
by A question inis there anyone on the board with a large amount of experience with judicial matters or (preferably) with the service department of the society or perhaps even worked on the service department?
if so, i would appreciate the answers to at least some of the following questions:.
does the society ever take the initiative to remove elders, and if so, how do they do it?
I've seen the CO request a brother to move to a problem congregation. Not a bethelite, bethel wants a problem cleaned up locally, (and I am very near the Wat. Farm.) There's always a "cover story," for the rank and file. Like your meeting scheduals work better for my family, or we always wanted to live in ........ This brother has whatever power the CO is willing to give him. In a short time one or more elders will be identified as problems and will be removed as elders. Not necessarily DF'd or reproved, just removed from serving. Usually some rearrangement of major assignments,--secretary, FS overseer...... Bro headhunter will continue in cong. for a couple more months, acting as if he had nothing to do with what happened, but at the same time enjoying his status that he knows everybody knows that he has. He and his family are the current cong. superstars, and get a lot of invitations because everyone is trying to show him how spiritual they are. Then the big going away party, headhunter packs up his possessions and family and moves 35 miles back down the road where he came from. Remaining elders breathe a sigh of relief and wonder how they "made it."
Wanted to get reinstated... Almost ready to give up
by headisspinning ini'd like to hear from anyone who was disfellowshipped but fully intended to go back as soon as possible and how that worked out or didn't.
i'd like to hear how soon you went back to meetings, how many letters requesting reinstatement you wrote, how you were treated, and how long it took you to get bitter and jaded.... or in the off chance you had a positive experience, what exactly happened.. really struggling here... thanks!.
Simple, write the BOE and tell them that all you friends on the apostate web site you belong to say that you all ought to let me back in. Should do the trick.
What Doctrines or JW Views Did You Not Find Too Believable?
by minimus inthe thought that a loving creator would violently destroy anyone not belonging to the jehovah's witness religion including billions of babies seemed just not right.. the fact that you could recieve some "acceptable" blood components but could not donate those same lifesaving yourself seemed strange.
you could recieve a blood fraction but you couldn't give it.. any others you can think of?
The wolf and the lamb will feed as one. Isa.65:25. And other verses like it. Wrong. Must be symbolic. Mr. wolf is always going to feed ON the lamb and lions are not going to eat straw. Keep your kid away from that snake hole too.