Official WT policy is to use all available government resources first. Irony is they pay no taxes. Bethel heavy weights have nothing to worry about for the rest of thier live.
JoinedPosts by pontoon
The "invisible" Elephant in the room: ELDERLY JW's nobody provides for
by Terry inquestion: how does the leadership of jehovah's witnesses instruct its members to prepare for the eventual elder care of its members?.
answer: it pretends it will never happen!.
is this responsible leadership or some kind of cognitive dissonant malfeasance?.
Drawings of NEW Watchtower World Headquarters in Warwick, New York
by Alfred inscroll down to last few pages to see the drawings....
among the ammenities are a sand volley ball court, two tennis courts and a full basketball court.... there's also parking garages and picnic areas for visitors.... by the way, not sure exactly what this is but you'll notice a shaded area labelled "undergound chamber"... interesting.... (i wonder if moving out to the middle of nowhere was intended to keep bethelites from sneaking out at night and going to the liquor store... just saying).
If they reason all this construction is for post armegeddon, just point out that it shows a lack of faith in Jeh. The bible ex. to support that is in the Hebrew scriptures when the Jews were finally taking the Promised Land, it wasn't just real estate, it was cities, vineyards, heards, homes, everything Jeh took away from the inhabitants that built it all to give to the Jews. All the Jews had to destroy were the highplaces, alters, places of worship to false gods. So, just question the dub, "don't you think Jeh will provide just what we need?"
Our door to door activities were a personal ministry and not recognised as representatives or volunteers of the Watchtower Bible And Tract Society
by smiddy inhow do you feel about that ?were you misled (again) after all these years ?
this article from the newspaper in the latrobe area reffering to steven unthanks case is truly disturbing.
its an affront and an insult to any and everyone who has participated in the ministry of jehovah`s witnesses over many, many about being thrown to the low can this organization go in saving face at the expense of those whose loyalty and devotion is discarded for a perceived image.absolutely shocking.
I've said and others have said in various posts that the borg is run by their lawyers. This is further proof. No reliance on Jeh. I would bet that anything even a little bit dicy for publication has to be OK'd by legal dept. first. Their smart and sneaky. Real reasons for all these "refinements" in the organization is solely for their legal protection which is understandable, we all want to be protected legally, but they lie to the flock as to why changes are made, they have no loyality--they'll hang you out swing on your own, and if this is the spirit directed organization God is using today why is all this legalizee necessary taking resources and manpower away from the preaching work?
Drawings of NEW Watchtower World Headquarters in Warwick, New York
by Alfred inscroll down to last few pages to see the drawings....
among the ammenities are a sand volley ball court, two tennis courts and a full basketball court.... there's also parking garages and picnic areas for visitors.... by the way, not sure exactly what this is but you'll notice a shaded area labelled "undergound chamber"... interesting.... (i wonder if moving out to the middle of nowhere was intended to keep bethelites from sneaking out at night and going to the liquor store... just saying).
At least they won't be building it with our money
Every day that goes by in this rotten old system is just one day closer to Jehovahs new world.
by life is to short ini grew up hearing this all the time.
it made me wish my life away, not look at the small joys every day of life brings to all of us.
instead i looked at all the bad there was in the world, my life, etc and blamed it all on satan.
Interesting discussion, I feel the same as what has been said. I'm almost 59, regret I didn't get more education when I was younger because '75 was so close. Still, I never thought life was so bad, too many good times and things to do, didn't want Armegedon to come yet,------and felt guilty for feeling that way. As far as paradise is concerned, when the friends think about it, their minds eye goes to petting lions, learning musical instruments, bountiful food, beautiful homes,------ all the good stuff. They foget that as we are, were taught, Jeh is this "humble" god that requires his SERVANTS to worship and praise and obey him. What's that going to take, 10 hrs a day? Then 144,000 kings, why? Then "princes" on the earth--todays elders. All this music we learn will only be songs of praise? I think paradise may not be all it's cracked up to be.
Dragons? Satan? Really Now?
by mrbunyrabit inin the bible satan is likend to a dragon.
and in reading the revelation book, i can clearly remember images of a big red dragon being cast to earh.
what i want to know, is if there were never any bones or evidence found that dragons existed, how the hell did the people of old know what the bible was talking about if they didnt know what a dragon was?.
Funny I was just remembering a buddy of mine that had a dragon. It's name was Puff, and it was a magic dragon. They lived down by the sea and they used to frolic in the ocean mist........
Phone witnessing??
by OneDayillBeFree inits just praised religous telemarketing!.
ive been doing it this whole morning and the only thing i've done to make it go quicker was to memorize a disconnected number.. its been working extremely well.... but did any of you that ever did it feel strange like you were selling something?!
like you were in a call center?.
Just a few things I'm proud of from my 40+ yrs in the "truth." I NEVER phone witnessed. I NEVER pioneered, temporary, vacation, pioneered for a month, or anything else, NEVER traveled outside my own congregation to give a public talk. Just wouldn't do it. Period.
Whistleblower Watchtowers Dump
by Marvin Shilmer inwhistleblower watchtowers dump.
today i added a new article to my blog sharing the whistleblowers letter to new yorks department of environmental conservation (dec) disclosing watchtowers pollution sites and incidents related to it.
my article is titled whistleblower watchtowers dump and is available at:
If a brother in a congregation was illegally dumping and it made the news for sure that bro would be facing a judicial committee because of bringing "reproach" on Jeh's name. So who's heads are going to roll at the farm? The brothers that said go ahead and do it, or the brothers that actually did it, or the brothers that knew about it and said nothing? NONE OF the ABOVE. Chances are it will be for the most part glossed over, covered up, and swept under the carpet. Some fines will be paid, Wat will be looked at as being good guys by their excellent cooperation with DEC, and no one will be held personally responsible. Their damage and spin control is without parallel. Let's hope the DEC is in a foul mood and stay's on this investigation with dilligence, because the Farm has hid pollution from the DEC in the past and will do it again. Hope they don't get away with it.
if god hates wars...why does he use a war to end them???
by highdose inthis question occurred to me the other day.
the classic jw presentation is all about how religon starts wars in gods name, how awful they are blablabla, and how soon god will end all these wars.... with a war!
Just one time quickly comes to mind that Jeh did not resort to war, muder, violence to make his case. It was when he just let the unfaithful generation of Jews die in the wilderness and not enter the promised land. Why wouldn't that work in modern times, just let the wicked die off, preserve the good guys and gals? That would be instead of mass annialation at Armeggedon. I think my spelling is awful today
Still a hard line on DF family members WTApr15 2012
by Gladring inthe april 2012 wt study article has some of the most strongly worded statements about contact with disfellowshipped family members.. page 12, paragraph 17: -.
good that can come when a family loyally.
upholds jehovahs decree not to associate.
For the borg and many witnesses the break up of families because of disfellowshipping confirms to them that they have the truth and are fulfilling what jesus said in Matt 10:34,35 that he came to divide families