I agree, we'll never see it happen, unless they could figure out how to make a profit from it.
JoinedPosts by pontoon
How long until we see a "Sunday School" program?
by Cinciguy74 inso we are seeing wt videos aimed at children, a feature for children in the watchtower aimed at young children, just how long until we start seeing some form of a sunday school for young children?.
i know in the past it has been ridiculed by the wts, but the reality is that it is a better method for teaching children than sitting in the kh where they can't sit still for more than 5 minutes anyway..
Elders breaking Confidentiality - I want this thread to be dirtyy
by usualusername ini was taught at the mts school that no elder has ever broke confidentiality.. .
did my instructors lie to me?.
uun .
Just so all know. The body meets and hears a general description of a possible JC case and to appoint the three elders to investigate, counsel or proceed with JC if warrented. If they do go to JC the rest of the body is out of it. The JC is not even supposed to share details with the rest. That's how it is suppose to work. BUT, most of them love to talk and hear what they are not suppose to hear. In my case living so close to Wat. Farm there are new brothers coming to our cong. often, already elders (so much for knowing the "appearance of the flock.") Anyway elders bring them by my house and they know way more about me than they need to. It taints their opinion of me to whatever the opinion of the brother who they rode with. They come to my house, "encourage" me to return, want to know about my life. I don't tell them anything, but counting travel time it's a easy 30-60 mins. of field service for them.
Pioneers and Their Way of Counting "Time"
by Eiben Scrood inin the congregations in my area there was an expression to the effect that 'there's counting time and then there's the way pioneers count their time'.
the watchtower's guidelines were pretty strict on when time could be counted.
some pioneers followed it and others didn't.. on particularly motivated young man comes to mind, he would work full-time or close to it and pioneer.
It's all BS. Pioneers would go work at the Wat Farm picking blueberries and they could count their time, it was "sacared" service." So their time had nothing to do with finding the sheep, saving lives. A regular publisher could take time off from work or his/her regular service time, go work at the farm and their time did not count. It's all man made up BS.
2012 July Kingdom Ministry!
by Atlantis in.
2012 july kingdom ministry*click the link below and when the next page appears scroll down and click the link in the long blue box that says: (click here to start download from sendspace).
ignore all the other buttons and symbols.
So I haven't been to a meeting in over two years now, but when I scanned down thru that KM I felt like I haven't missed one meeting. Same old..........
3.5 years vs. a lifetime of going door to door.
by tootired2care indid it bug you as a witness that jesus only had to go from door to door for 3.5 years, and he was done; while he demanded that you do it for your whole life without preparing for the morrow?
i just remember a few years back reflecting on the daunting prospect of doing it my whole life if the end didn't come - "sooner rather than later".
what are your thoughts?.
Years after Cornelius the gentiles were still not preached to. It wasn't until Paul began preaching and began to establish congregations and convinced the converted Jews in Jerusalem that gentiles could be accepted that the gentiles were. That was when even Peter had to give in to Paul's argument that if God considered them clean how could they not? Been a long time, can't tell you where to find it in the bible, but it's there.
3.5 years vs. a lifetime of going door to door.
by tootired2care indid it bug you as a witness that jesus only had to go from door to door for 3.5 years, and he was done; while he demanded that you do it for your whole life without preparing for the morrow?
i just remember a few years back reflecting on the daunting prospect of doing it my whole life if the end didn't come - "sooner rather than later".
what are your thoughts?.
There has to be more to it because they absolutely would not have gone to the door of a gentile, so they must have known whose (Jews) houses they were going to. And don't forget, after Jesus's 3.5 years he had to did a horrible death.
A Brother Died At Bethel
by MrFreeze ini got a text from my mom when i got into work today saying that a brother i've known for a while had died.
he was a bethelite and they found him dead in his room.
he was the same age as me.
Condolences. What congregation was he assigned to?
New York State USA meet up for ex-jws for partying,anyone interested?
by witchtowerwitch inlets have some fun,before the big one gets us all ok?.
I'm in the Hudson Valley. Strong possibilty I would come. Need details
In veiw of the future prospects for the remnant of the 144000 still living,wouldnt you think they would have a greater role in the running of a congregation ?
by smiddy ini just commented on another thread about the 144000 and thought it deserved a thread of it`s own seeing how important their appointment is .. those who are selected to rule with christ jesus in heaven are given immortality.
if you or i were selected to survive armaggedon we would not be given immortality , so obviously they are considered a cut above the rest of humanity.. so my question is ,why doesnt jehovah`s spirit directed organization on earth give these people the respect and dignity that jehovah god is going to bestow on them in the future , while they are yet present on earth , instead of ignoring them , and treating them as a lesser class of person than a pioneer ,ministerial servant, or elder.. and suggesting they may be influenced by prior beleifs or have mental problems doesnt say much for their bible education instruction , after all these are dedicated baptized publishers who are counted as the annointed remnant.. smiddy.
Smiddy, how are you? My aged dad doesn't know that I haven't been to a meeting in two years. I was having a dicussion with him about the remnant, that unless they were GB they had no part in "feeding the sheep." He believed that remnant from all over the world were comunicating with GB as to what the spiritual needs of the flock were. We were locking horns, I had to drop it. Short time later, my dad said to me "by the way, you were right about the remnant not having imput with the GB......" I could see he was a bit confused. I was hoping it was a first crack in his armor. Sad to say it wasn't.
cowboy films.
by bigmac insome of us uk members of a certain age really enjoy cowboy films.. what was your most favourite cowboy film of all time?.
mine was on tv again today-----.
---- the magnificent seven.
Sierra Madre, not really a cowboy flick, but definately a great classic!