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How many JW's would get FIRED if the WT would be paying them to preach?
by fedup in2011 preaching results:.
hours preached: 1.7b.
new baptized: 263k.
How many JW's would get FIRED if the WT would be paying them to preach?
by fedup in2011 preaching results:.
hours preached: 1.7b.
new baptized: 263k.
Despite a facade of joy, enthusiam, and zeal that some manage to display, I believe by far the vast majority don't want to be out there preaching, but do so for different reasons, guilted into it, please parents, please elders, support from parents (money, car) liking the alternative of getting a job less than preaching...... Growing up in the shadow of Brooklyn Bethel and spending my adult life near Wat Farm I have known 1000s of bethelites, some as good friends. Out of all of those 1000s (probably many 1000s) over a time period of 40+ years there were two couples that left Bethel because they loved and missed full time preaching so much. One prominate Bethel brother told me that Bethel was for all those that felt obligated to serve full time but can't stand the preaching work. I don't fault them, I did not like preaching. I would have derserved to be fired. But if it's what in your heart that counts most of us would be condemmed. How many pioneer's exceed their hours? If they used to do a hundred but now are only required to do seventy why aren't they still doing a hundred? Hard to exceed at a job that your heart and mind is just not into.
Who is supposed to do the "Separating Work" for the new magazines?
by nochoice inso, there is a bit of a fight going on in our hall between our pioneer sisters and our magazine servant.
since the new magazines are boxed with two issues together, there is a bit of work to be done separating them.
our magazine servant stacked them on the counter as usual, right out of the box.
Hey Smiddy, haven't talked in a while now, how are you? Any more planned vacations?
Who is supposed to do the "Separating Work" for the new magazines?
by nochoice inso, there is a bit of a fight going on in our hall between our pioneer sisters and our magazine servant.
since the new magazines are boxed with two issues together, there is a bit of work to be done separating them.
our magazine servant stacked them on the counter as usual, right out of the box.
Probably should have an assistant magazine separator too just in case.......HV NY
Who is supposed to do the "Separating Work" for the new magazines?
by nochoice inso, there is a bit of a fight going on in our hall between our pioneer sisters and our magazine servant.
since the new magazines are boxed with two issues together, there is a bit of work to be done separating them.
our magazine servant stacked them on the counter as usual, right out of the box.
I can see a new position for testing out brothers who are reaching out, you know, mic carrier, sound man, mic adjuster, magazine separator, greeter.......... Hudson Valley NY
How does the WT feel about dating methods?
by Christ Alone ini'm talking about dating methods that scientists use such as carbon 14, potassium-argon, rehydoxylation dating, etc.... .
i know that many christian fundamentalist groups speak of how false early dates can be reached by many of these dating systems.
but i was wondering how much the wt rejects them.
That would depend on whether the dating method used supported or refuted whatever the point was the WT was trying to make.
1914 - It was the end of the world as we knew it - things got much better!
by TheStumbler ini was having a conversation with a jw relative recently i casually mentioned how much better the world is than a few centuries.
obviously the jw was incredulous.
the next day i found an email in my inbox listing a few qoutes from notable people saying how the world has gotten much worse since 1914 and that 1914 was a pivitol year.
So why don't JW's view the "spiritual decline" in the world as something good? If they have the only true religion the world's spiritual decline would at least mean the world is moving away from false religion. Easy to turn that spiritual decline arguement right around on them. Hudson Valley NY
After Reading Sir82's Posts Do You Think The Elders Will Go After Faders?
by minimus init looks like they are cracking the whip and weeding out the undesirables whether it be elder or inactive ones..
They would have to find one scripture to missapply to justify that. Hudson Valley ny
WT elders school: The elders in our circuit appear to be "trained" quite well
by sir82 inmore ramblings from the recently concluded elders' school.. see the op on this thread for background: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/242491/5/wt-elders-school-the-wts-has-progressed-from-just-plain-stupid-to-dangerously-stupid.
in part of the video mentioned above showing the "goofus" elder trying to handle the situation with the crying sister:.
the "goofus" elder went into the kingdom hall library alone with the sister when she left the auditorium.. you could hear literal, audible, gasps from the 100 or so elders watching the video.. a few moments later, as the sister was crying, "goofus" put out his hand and touched the sister's hand.. again, literal, loud, audible gasps from the audience.. they darkened the room while the video was playing so i couldn't see him, but i have to imagine the co was quite pleased that the audience grasped the "mistakes" that elder goofus was making.. .
I was thinking the same as Emptyinside, did they happen to say at what point the holy spirit kicks in to straighten out enough of their thinking so that a "spirit guided decision" is reached?
Where Are You From?
by finallysomepride inalot of members don't have a flag or country name beside their user name, and well frequently one doesn't know where that particular person is from, tell us your country, state, county or what ever you feel like giving out.
if you are going to post please at least devulge your country.. me, i'm originally from taranaki, new zealand via auckland.
for the most of this decade i have been living & working in brisbane, queensland, australia.. .
I think it would be cool to end our posts with our location if we don't mind doing that. May find out we have a fellow ex nearby. Hudson Valley NY