Construction at Warwick is really ramping up. Workers from Brooklyn are going to be bussed up to Warwick each day, workers from the farm, regional, and volunteer. The only delusional people are the flock paying for it. For the GB it's a reality, in a couple years they are going to have their country club on the lake in Warwick, and the money will continue to roll in from their many businesses, conventions, real estate, publishing... Hudson Valley NY
JoinedPosts by pontoon
Expect Greater Loonieness From the Governing Body As They Are Forced to Face Their Delusion By Reality
by frankiespeakin ini'm thinking they will be force to do a reality check as the clock ticks and things keep going down hill for the corporation they are ceos of.. that means they may come clean or change their delusion as the hard cold facts come knocking at thier door.
or they may hang on tenaciously to the delusion and exibit more and more bizarre reasonings.. i'm thinking this delusion to too hard to get out of and so exspect more bizarre behavior.
About the 16 pg mags
by pontoon injust flipped through the feb awake and the feb 1 public wat.
first time since they went to 16 pages.
my first impression was the large amount of blank space in both mags, really wasted space.
Just flipped through the Feb Awake and the Feb 1 public Wat. First time since they went to 16 pages. My first impression was the large amount of blank space in both mags, really wasted space. I don't remember that from years ago. If they used all the blank space they could probably shrink the mags down to 10 or 12 pages.
Change the Channel!
by perfect1 inon another thread band on the run mentioned the jw habit of changing the channel on tv abruptly whenever something spiritually reprehensible might pop up.. recently, when i was visiting a family member, they changed the channel from sumo wrestling so that we would not see such obscene nudity.. of course, as soon as i left the room the channel would switch back.
id come in and it would switch again.
this made for a semi entertaining game of seeing how close i could get before the channel changed.
Years ago I remember counsel about listening to classical music....the real classical, Bach, Beethovan.....The reasoning was "what was the story that inspiried that music, did it involve violence, fornication or any other kind of immorality?" If it did the conclusion was that anyone who listened to the music even without knowing the story behind it condoned that behavior.
Visited Beth Sarim today
by exwhyzee inmy sister in law has been shunned by the family since she da'd herself at the age of 18 and moved out of the house.
i always insisted that my wife keep in contact with her and made sure she knew she had a soft place to land,with us, should she need it.
even at the risk of it getting us in hot water with the pioneer,elder,bethelite family members there was no way we were going to let her disappear into the wild blue yonder on her own.
Rattigan350 Beth Sarim becomes very important when the corporation in print or talks brags about their "rich SPIRITUAL heritage"
If there are no more miraculous events, then why do JW's pray for one?
by wha happened? inthis is exactly what i asked my wife.
if the wt has stated over and over, there are no more miraculous events, then why do u pray for one?.
her response?
We had a brother going for heart surgery for about the 6th time. He never answered, never went in service, wasn't in the school, but his wife was fairly active and he had a very pretty daughter, a big screen TV, a lot of food and drink every weekend, so he was popular with all the Wat Farm boys. So, he's in the hospital and one of the bethelites prays "and Jeh, please guide the hands of the surgeon who is........" I about fell over, the congregation sucked it right up and loved it.
What's the funniest/strangest name you ever gave a pet?
by JH in.
i was given a cat whose name was "piti".
i found it strange, but i kept it.
I had a cat I named Crapper. When she was outside and I called for her I would yell "Crapper Dapper Doo!!!!!!!!!!!!" If she was within earshot she'd come running. My cat now I can't tell her name, it would identify me.
Trend of Fewer Baptisms Continues: Latest JW Conventions in New Zealand
by steve2 inthe round of "international" conventions that started in the middle of last year in the states "wrapped" up last weekend in new zealand.
there was some media converage (from which i derived the information that follows).
(someone who knows how to copy links may be able to provide the relevant media links?).
I was baptized in 1968 at 16 yrs old. I shouldn't have been but all the other kids my age were so I did too. But also the sense of urgency at that time was real, even for me a not very serious or spiritual person. Even if you were going to every meeting, out in service, no secret sins, your're not going to survive Armeggdon unless your baptized. Remember, the Noah's Ark pictured baptism. I don't believe that same sense of urgency is felt today.
Meetings to Continue forever! Another reason you DON'T want to live in the NEW ORDER
by LostGeneration inpulled this gem from the 2013 calendar.
well, at least you get to have outdoor meetings in the mountains of south america with touchans flying around.
no more windowless kingdom halls!
You mean the same old stuff? Where are the "new scrolls?"
Bethel has Witness Psychiatrists on staff for Depression/suicide
by BlindersOff1 inas told by former bethelite at xjw gathering june 2012 .
her experience with a governing body member .
Around the time of the big bethel layoff, when was that, 6 or 7 years ago?, each bethelite had to sign a form that allowed the bethel office to have access to their medical records. Ones that did not want to sign were made to think or were told they would be kicked out if they didn't, and they probably were. My friends, a couple at the farm did not want to sign but did, they were kicked out anyway. I also knew a sister in Conn. who was some kind of a counselor, don't remember what her credentials were, most of her business were sisters from Brooklyn and Wallkill.
Do some GB know the truth about the truth?
by Bob_NC indo some of the gb consciously know the truth about the truth and they just can't say it?
or are they all still under the spell?.
how about cos or dos?
Jookbeard, I've always wondered if some heavies have figured out how to make personal profit off the corp. I know for a fact (and people involved) that some in purchasing have had no problem accepting kickbacks (I know paid for vacations, possibly cars) by directing work to certain contractors. I believe a lot of these corp heavies have such prideful swollen heads they are able to do that without any twinge of conscience, feeling that they are so smart and intelligent they earned it.