40+ yrs ago when I moved into this congregation's territory I became good friends with a brother in the congregation, about 20 yrs older than me and about mildest, most easy going person you could meet. He was just full of old fashion country style common sense, taught me a lot about country life, like heating with firewood, (yes, there is a lot to know about cutting and heating with wood), taught me how to skin and cut up deer, he would help anyone who needed help........., so about 30 yrs ago he was DF'd. We would occasionally bump into each other, I would NEVER NOT say hello, but him knowing I wasn't suppose to talk to him he would (and I) just move on. Well, we bumped into each other today in town in a convienence store. We said hello and I kept on talking. I could see in his face how he relaxed when he realized I was not about to cut it short and walk away. Talked about 10 mins. He's 80 yrs old now and looks about 50. I'm sure he has no idea I am no longer a JW. End up telling him to stop by my house and he said he would, (I'm sure he will). Anyway, had to share, it made my day.
JoinedPosts by pontoon
An old friend
by pontoon in40+ yrs ago when i moved into this congregation's territory i became good friends with a brother in the congregation, about 20 yrs older than me and about mildest, most easy going person you could meet.
he was just full of old fashion country style common sense, taught me a lot about country life, like heating with firewood, (yes, there is a lot to know about cutting and heating with wood), taught me how to skin and cut up deer, he would help anyone who needed help........., so about 30 yrs ago he was df'd.
we would occasionally bump into each other, i would never not say hello, but him knowing i wasn't suppose to talk to him he would (and i) just move on.
Is Bethel Full Of Governing Body Ass Kissers?
by frankiespeakin inwhen we see the massive layoff of bethel one could naturally ask which ones survived this brutal treatment by the governing body?
i'm sure ass kissers got a more favorable vote by the governing body to stay than the run of the mill hard valuable worker.. while all in the legal team got to stay as they are not required to kiss the governing body's ass(as much) but save it from lawsuits they are faced with.. what say you?
this a partial part of my opinion.. i wonder how much ass kissing, or ego stroking actually goes on once one becomes a member of the gb, i'm sure the ones the governing body keeps closest to them are their best ass kissers it goes along with the narcissistic personality disorder's territory in which he chooses to rome..
Realize to that every brother in bethel wants to achieve the next level of management, ass...... is a necessary step in doing that. Life in the Wat. corp.
Book - "A People for His Name" by Timothy White
by VM44 in.
"a people for his name" by timothy white is an early, but still excellent, book about the history of the jws.. here is a page containing portions from the book.
Just ordered one from Amazon, $23.26. Didn't check Lulu.
WT Society, Travel agency? Latest money making scheme?
by dropoffyourkeylee inrecently there was quite a buzz at the local hall of people applying to be a specially approved candidate to attend an international convention overseas.
one person i knew applied to go to the assembly next year in south africa.
she was elated to find she and her daughter-in-law were accepted for the south africa site.
Does the corporation do anything that doesn't make $$$???
It's a miserable life --- Really?
by Lady Lee ini was at the check-out counter sitting in my wheelchair, listening to the customer behind me talk to the cashier.
he looks at her and says she looks tired.
she rings through one more of my purchases and she it has been a long day.
Lady Lee,
Smiddys Wedding Anniversary Today
by smiddy inhi all,.
i just wanted to tell you it`s our 52nd wedding anniversary today ,18/02/2013 ,we were married in a kh - flemington cong.by bro.jock mcbain.the hall was actually in brunswick ,i wonder if it`s still their.. and here i am today a self confessed atheist/agnostic if their is such a thing.i`m one of the lucky ones whose wife is out too.. smiddy.
Happy 52nd Smiddy. Any special plans?
May 15, 2013 WT up on jw.org now
by Gayle inhas article, page 32 which states about their 'neutrality' policy.
although our position as christian neutrals may not have been fully understood by our brothers nearly a century ago, they sought to please jehovah god.
this is aggravating, as the wts had 'policy' for so many years that jws could not do 'alternative' service.
But their brand new indoor olympic size pool and ball courts and gym at Wat Farm is OK
Letter: 30 hour quota to be extended to additional months
by 88JM inread out at the service meeting this week.. ===================================.
january 21, 2013. to all congregations.
re: thirty-hour quota for auxiliary pioneering.
But remember, you are not a representitive, employed, or scanctioned by the WBTSNY, Christ.... of JW"s, WBTSPenn or any one of our hundreds of corporations
Expect Greater Loonieness From the Governing Body As They Are Forced to Face Their Delusion By Reality
by frankiespeakin ini'm thinking they will be force to do a reality check as the clock ticks and things keep going down hill for the corporation they are ceos of.. that means they may come clean or change their delusion as the hard cold facts come knocking at thier door.
or they may hang on tenaciously to the delusion and exibit more and more bizarre reasonings.. i'm thinking this delusion to too hard to get out of and so exspect more bizarre behavior.
I just don't see it that way. GB's have 7,000,000 people following them, a secure no worry future, they'll continue to live without a material care in the world until the day they die, borg has solid sources of income, lakeside retirement home is under construction right now, unhappy followers are kept at bay with phrases like "wait on Jeh, the Kingdom will solve all mankinds problems, deep in the last days, those who endure will survive..........." The only delusional loonie people are the ones paying for and believing it all and at the same time wondering how to make ends meet financially with no retirement plans, no money, and still writing checks to the world wide work (Wat NY construction projects)
Flood Story in every Culture?
by enigma1863 inok im looking for a specific religion and culture that has no flood story.
someone claimed that every religion/culture has a flood story.
i disagree but i want to have a reference..
Do wet basements count?