For me it was electric and or HVAC, did it for years often outside of our region going into NYC on builds (since the city regionals lacked tradesmen). Some good times, always good food, some good friends were made, saw one really bad accident--a fall from a scaffold down into a stairway to a basement, no fall arrest or fall protection was ever used on those builds. Lots of unqualified people in positions of oversite, usually didn't bother us we just did what we came to do and got out. After some time and probably 25 builds I just got tired of it all, last one I was on a bunch of my tools were missing including one expensive new 100' extension cord that would have been easy to find if it was borrowed and being used. After I quit going I felt a little guilty about it especially when I would run into the guys I worked with at assemblies but as time marched on so did the guilt. Years after I stopped going on KH builds I worked on the Newburgh Assembly Hall. Thats a whole other story.
JoinedPosts by pontoon
Quick builds- Were you on a team?
by Oneoutallout inwhich trade did you work with?
any interesting revelations or tales?.
...What do you Do,when People Ask You for Spare Change?...
by OUTLAW in.. .........................some people are truly in need..some are not... a man passing by on his 10 speed bike,asked me for $2.00 for a cup of coffee... .................................................."uhhh,no"... ............another asked me for spare change outside a super market... ......................................i said i didn`t have any... he say`s "how about a credit card?!"!!...
.. ....................what do you do,when people ask you for spare change?...
..... .. ..........................................whats the most outrageous thing...`ve been asked forby a stranger?...
As a kid growing up in NYC when the windshield wipers headed towards my dad's car at red lights with their greasy dirty rags my dad would say, "I'll give you a buck if you don't touch it"
First post in years
by voodoo lady inwhen i was last here, my mother had recently been diagnosed with cancer.
there were potential issues regarding transfusion, none of which eventuated.
she undertook a course of chemo which worked quickly and effectively, with minimal side-effects.
Just want to say from personal experience do not be hard on yourself. Cancer is so life changing it effects the emotions of the people that have it as well as ones close to that person. Feel good for your mom and self that you were with her. Tom, Hudson Valley NY
This photo woke me up
by krejames in.
i was already on my way to my second fade when i went to the wildlife photographer of the year 2012 exhibition, but this photo made me lose faith in the idea of a loving creator......(the gazelle has been injured by the mother cheetah so she can use it to train her cubs to hunt).
Magwitch----on nature shows I've seen how lions hunt and kill cheetah cubs to eliminate competition for food. I had a very wild outside cat that only ate birds but he killed mice, squirrels, rabbits, chipmonks and everything else he could just for fun.
How Many Remember the Mass Skating Rink Parties of the Late 70's ?
by Perry inthey were a hoot weren't they?.
Around here it was about once a month at the Avalon, Skate Time, or Spring Lake with a little square dancing mixed in. Always fun, something to look foward to, always went out to eat after. Dated a couple girls I met at those skate parties. Met one of them leaving a District Conv some time ago. Some came from 100 miles away for those skate parties.-----Hudson Valley NY
This photo woke me up
by krejames in.
i was already on my way to my second fade when i went to the wildlife photographer of the year 2012 exhibition, but this photo made me lose faith in the idea of a loving creator......(the gazelle has been injured by the mother cheetah so she can use it to train her cubs to hunt).
Even as a child I never believed the pet lion crap. Always expected the borg to change all that nonsense and say it was symbolic. Also used to wonder why Able became a herder of sheep. Why? What for? In fact what were the sheep for? Cain was much smarter growing food. Nancy Drew, well said. Simon, so true, an animal is what it is. Everything about a cat is designed to kill mice. An owl has different tools, but everything about an owl is designed to kill mice. Toss a frog to the center of my pond and it swims as fast as it can to the shore because it knows it's in danger (largemouth bass, frog ain't gonna make it) It's the way it is and the way it will stay whether it all was designed and created that way or it all happened some other way.
This photo woke me up
by krejames in.
i was already on my way to my second fade when i went to the wildlife photographer of the year 2012 exhibition, but this photo made me lose faith in the idea of a loving creator......(the gazelle has been injured by the mother cheetah so she can use it to train her cubs to hunt).
Bloody Hotdogs!-----So how did pleasing his heavenly father work out for him?? Actually I remember (feels like 200 yrs ago) learning that after A & E sinned they must have continued to worship Jeh and offer sacrafices for their sins, and taught their children about Jeh. Thats why Jeh let them live so long. Don't know where that speculation came from.
This photo woke me up
by krejames in.
i was already on my way to my second fade when i went to the wildlife photographer of the year 2012 exhibition, but this photo made me lose faith in the idea of a loving creator......(the gazelle has been injured by the mother cheetah so she can use it to train her cubs to hunt).
Remember it EVIDENTLY was Jeh who taught man how to kill. Did Able just dream up the idea to kill livestock to offer up to his humble, loving, bloodthirsty heavenly father? OBVIOUSLY he was not happy with the fruits of Cain's hard earned labor, APPARENTLY he let them know it was blood he wanted and it is REASONABLE to conclude he instructed Able or Adam (and he passed the instuction to Able) how to butcher and bleed livestock for his pleasure
I Want Your Thoughts On This: A 80 Year Old Man Lost His Wife....
by minimus inand within a month, he has been seeing a 69 year old woman who lived upstairs from him.
the wife has been sick for a year and she passed away in october.. now, the 80 year old man is like a teenager with this woman, making out in public places with this woman and introducing her to family and friends as his new girlfriend that he "loves".. the father's family thinks this is weird and are concerned about it.. any thoughts?
Good for him!
by Sittingstraight1212 in2 jehovah will use the kingdom to unify his family in heav- en and on earth.
that divine purpose will be realized.
So who was king previous to the last 100 years? The creator of all things in heaven and on earth, the sovereign of the universe, the almighty, who was king over him before the last 100 yrs?