Just for the record a commercial company is doing the bulk if not all of the concrete work---footings, foundations. They have been on site probably more than a year. About 10 cranes most likly with operators earning big bucks. Tons of equipment from United Rentals. This is a hugh project. Projects also going on at Wat Farms. They can't spend their money fast enough.
JoinedPosts by pontoon
Warwick, Class 5 Building project, Why?
by DwainBowman inso what is a class 5 project?.
it is one done to the highest standards.
paint & drywall, fit and finish, of everything to perfection.
Audrey Mock Knorr Hyde And Where Are We Going?
by ctrwtf ini've been thinking about audrey mock knorr hyde since i heard about her death some weeks ago.
i met her while at watchtower farms in the early eighties.
i knew her second husband glen before alzheimers really began to take its toll.
Well said, ctrwtf. I also new Audry and Glen, nice people. In the same congregation for some time. Were you in the Hudson Valley area? PM me
It's not an obsession, just simply interest. I knew Audrey and Glen well, they were friends and very nice people. Hudson Valley NY
The Watchtower and its absurd accusations against the Church Fathers
by opusdei1972 ini love to read the watchtower's article "the church fathersadvocates of bible truth?
" (w01 4/15 pp.
there we may read the most contadictory statements of the watchtower society, which shows how deceptive and ignorant is the jehovah's witnesses religion.. .
Went with wife our on campaign, what a joke! Keep thinking, would Jesus had done this?
by goingthruthemotions inwhat a joke the campaign is.....the sheeple are so blind.
what does this have to do with what jesus taught us to do.
i feel like i was campaigning for a politician.. next thing your going to see on the website is a donation button visible to all vistors without having to log in just bypass the middle man.
Anyone happen to see any of the GB out there with carts setting the example? Just womdering.
It's my Birthday today!!
by quellycatface in.
i'm really looking forward to what the day may bring...... wish you were here to share it with me..
A happy birthday to YOU!, happy Thanksgiving, merry Christmas, enjoy your Easter.
Are You A Patriotic Person Since Leaving The Witnesses?
by minimus ini'm into politics but i still don't consider myself patriotic..
Used to have a lot of our elder's meetings at Watchtower Farm because half our body were Bethelites. Now I'm driving home from work every day right past the Wat Farm in a rag top, top down weather permitting, wearing a hat with an American flag pattern on the brim. What a change. But I am not particularlly patriotic to the government but I am to the country if that makes any sense to you.
Your final WTF? Moment!
by restrangled init was a long time coming for me.....when i read about the extened generations, after being raised on1914 being the be all end all, and millions would never die....that was the end.
i was part of the 1975 fiasco, the 6 month only truth book studies, suffered through a disifellowshipping and their version of a rewind.
i finally am free and hope others can eventually look in instead of inside looking out!
My last meeting was in 2010, but sometime before that during a Sun morn Wat study about when we see a rock badger, gecko, or an ant we should be reminded of the same qualities these critters share with Jeh. It was about the most stupid tower study I ever heard. I was sitting there thinking that this is what I gave up a day off for, got dressed up, came to the meeting to hear this crap. If I looked at it before hand I would have skipped. Anyway I was not mentally in anymore, but that tower study really steepened the slippery slope I was sliding down. In 2010 one Sunday morning I woke up, decided I just wasn't going to do it anymore and went motorcycle riding. Never been back. That's the short story.
Were you 100% in?
by pontoon ini was baptized in 1968. last meeting 2010. i have to say i was never 100% in.
there were times i absolutely believed, but i never really gave it my all.
never liked service, assemblies, meetings.
I was baptized in 1968. Last meeting 2010. I have to say I was never 100% in. There were times I absolutely believed, but I never really gave it my all. Never liked service, assemblies, meetings. Growing up near Brooklyn Bethel never liked the layers of management and didn't think one full time bethelite should have such status over another, and they said Bethel was as close to paradise as you could get. For years I always figured it was my problem I just couldn't give it my all.
An Indictment against GOD , A blood sacrifice or a non blood sacrifice.Cain & Abel.
by smiddy ini would appreciate your thoughts on this question : why would the almighty god sacrifice one of his creations in blood letting to appease him ?.
does this make any sence at all ?
god is supposed to have created everything living , human and animals , and then he wants / expects a human to execute one of his creations as a sacrifice to him ?.
Smiddy, how are you? I've said in other posts if you believe the whole creation Adam Eve Cain Able.......Flood.......Jesus.......you would have to conclude that Jeh is bloodthirsty and in the beginning after A & E sinned Jeh must have somehow conveyed to them that he wanted blood. He must have taught Adam how to kill, Adam taught his sons and so it went. So maybe Cain thought he was really pleasing Jeh with the blood of his brother, a sacrifice greater than an animal. But you are right, livestock is what was valuable to Able (at that time in history what did he need herds for?) and produce from the fields was what was valuable to Cain. Jeh should have been pleased. But he wanted blood.