They can do no wrong since they gots da holy spirit...They'll never admit to any wrondoing because the organization looking good is thier prime concern. They're being 'persecuted'. The loss of the lawsuit is an attack by evil Satan and his apostate minions...They'll probably pin metals on the elders from her congregation.
JoinedPosts by TimeBandit
How does a congregation handle being found guilty in a lawsuit?
by OnTheWayOut inas in the current oakland, california case, since the congregation must vote on expenditures and pay on such rulings, is there any announcement concerning the specific case and rulings?
are the elders removed to make it look like it was their blunder.
any real info along with wild speculations would be welcome..
Plaintiff awarded in punitive damages -21M & 1 dollar. Total award, 28M & 1 dollar. Here's more info
by AndersonsInfo inthe plaintiff, candace conti's goal from the very beginning was to bring enough attention to this problem to incentivize watchtower to change its policy of secrecy.
the award can be explained as it was decided: separate compensatory and punitive damages.
the punitive award is established in law to punish wrongdoing - here, the conscious disregard for others - and deter that conduct in the future.
The jw Lawyer said :
“We’re stunned by the verdict. We hate child abuse and EVERYTHING TO DO WITH IT .”
EVERYTHING TO DO WITH IT? Huh? That shows just how little they think of abuse victims. Sounds like they hate helping the abuse victims too....
Chris- -
It took me a long time to write this...i'm staying.
by MsGrowingGirl20 init took me a long time to write this....i'm being brutally honest...i am still a reg pioneer...three sundays ago,i was praying and asking god for a sign or something because i was so confused...i told him exactly what i needed to see for me to believe.i was feeling terrible--crying and feeling sick because i was so confused.ten minutes after, i walked into the kingdom hall and to my surprise--my prayer was answered!
i soooo wasn't expecting it, even though i prayed.
so this is where almighty god wants me to be,ii've reasoned.
Yer so gonna regret it some day. I hope you have fun waiting around for Armageddon to come like all the other Sheeple. Best wishes!
The "30 Other Lands" revealed - in a YouTube video!!
by cedars ini've just uploaded the following 12-minute video presentation to youtube:.
the video is based on the following article on my blog at
Interesting post Joker10. Where did you get your information from?
Shunning ... when it's Convenient
by xelder ini have a lifelong buddy (g) who is now df'd ....doing great and happy.
he has a nice boat.
a while back he gets a call from a very well known elder who, of course, shuns him.. elder: "hi g. i know this is a little strange, but i don't know who else to call".
I would have refused to help. Maybe you felt like it was the moral thing to do, but they just USED you.
shaking hands
by man in black inwhen i was a witness ( esp.
as a youth) it seemed that whenever i went to a meeting, or assembly.
i would send an incredible amount of time shaking hands.
I knew this sister who made her husband follow brothers into the men's room and observe whether or not they washed their hands. If you didn't receive a handshake from her, you knew to wash your hands the next time you went to the restroom.
How many here smoke?
by cantleave ini don't and am very unlikely to after seeing my father dying of a smoking related lung disease (even though i would like to try a high quality cigar).. but i am curious to see how many people take up smoking after leaving the org.. .
When I was 16 we were an inactive jw family living in Athens, Ga. I had no freinds but eventually made a couple. One was a latchkey kid named Jerry. One day Jerry offered me a cigarette. I accepted, and lit it up right away. I didn't cough or choke. I inhaled the smoke smoothly. I liked it. We walked down to the convienience store and I bought my own pack. Ever since that day, I've been a smoker.
I'd spend a few years as a jw with my nose clean concerning smoking, then I would slip up and smoke for a while. I'd usually end up with feelings of guilt so I'd confess to the elders and get a slap on the wrist here and there. I got myself disfellowshipped (in part) for smoking twice.
I know it's bad for me but I love smoking. It's one of my few comforts in life. I've been thinking about quitting again, but I know I'll end up smoking at some point in the future. I smoke less then I used to (Unless we're talking about weed) so I feel good about that.
Today's WT: A Warning To You Loyal Witnesses
by metatron init happens without warning.
you have a stroke.
you get ms. you are in a car accident.. they put you in the hospital.
Because of a choice I made to leave the cult and a choice my parents made to shun me (worse than shunning, they told me i'm dead) I will never know what becomes of my parents. Ever. Now that I'm past all the hurt the thought of never seeing them again isn't so bad.
My only hope is that when they're on their death beds, dying all alone with no family or freinds around to comfort them, the last thought that comes to their minds is : " Holy Fuck! I just wasted my whole life! I threw all of my children away because they had different beleifs than mine. I destroyed my own family! Holy shit now it's too laaaaaaaaaaaaaate..."
The only thing I can do is try to banish them from my mind so I don't go crazy.
What do you think would happen if a SISTER shaved her head?
by keep into donate all her hair to cancer?
The elders would be all "the worldly cancer victems will be taken care of by Jehovah's kingdom, if they agree to bible studies first. Screw them, we don't feel comfortable with a bald sister in our congregstion!"
Was Any Part of it Real?
by Big Tex ini'm sort of following a stream of consciousness so bear with me.
i was flipping around on tv and ran across an old movie.
a couple had a one night stand and when she realized he had just used her she was shocked and told him he had said he loved her.
They're hard wired to throw people under the bus if they see you as a threat to their salvation. Don't hold it against them for following their programming. Have you ever shunned a disfellowshipped or inactive person? If so, no one here will hold it against you, we've all done it. What would really suck is if they knew the organization for what it is and still turned thier backs on you. I've lost a good many freinds myself. I am moving onward though. Why not focus on replacing those fair weather freinds with REAL freinds. Build up a social life. 'Worldly' people are not all bad. There are many people out there that will be more loyal than any jw.