The points you make are excellent. I am in no way defending the congregation's actions nor am I in any manner supporting this #$^& jerk who was convicted of molestation.
SilentLambs made a very strong assertion that the Society was using their resources to defend this abuser. Based on my experience with the Society's legal dept, I found that highly unlikely assuming therefore that other issues are being raised.
As I mentioned a couple of times in this thread, I admire and respect Bill for everything he has done. My post was more of a caution to him that highly sensationalized comments can backfire on his efforts. Since he is dealing with media outlets he has to be extrememly careful that everything he says can be verified. One mistake and everything collapses.
I meant no disrespect and certainly did not intend to put a negative spin on his activities. What he stated in his first post in this thread did not make sense. I asked for clarification. It was refused.
You expressed reasonable concern that my 'negative comments' might encourage the silence of some. If so I would be deeply bothered by that. I would (and have) backed people to speak up.
If there are in fact silentlambs reading this as you suggest...to them I say, yes please speak up. Do not suffer in silence.
But when you chose the time best for you and your growth, stick to the facts. Don't embellish/sensationalize, it will always work better for you ... especially legally.
This is the essence of what I was saying in this thread, albeit unsuccessfully.
Thanks Wendy for your thoughts & great quote!!