It is up to each individual to keep track of these gifts and declare them accordingly.
Let's put it this way. Bethelites make approx $5,000 a year including all taxable benefits provided by the Society. I never received more the $1000 dollars in any given year (much of that was done doing odd jobs, (g jobs JT) )
So that still kept me far below the personal exemption allowed for on the tax return. So yes it was declared but no I did not have to pay tax on it since I was so far below the poverty line.
A Bethelite would have to receive a pretty hefty sum before he would have to worry about tax implications.
Back to F. Franz. I recall talking to him at Brooklyn one time when a sister came up from a tour group (she didn't stay in the designated tour lane - sigh LOL) shoved an envelop into Br. Franz' hand kissing him on the cheek and thankinghim for his years of service and sacrifice. When she left and our conversation ended he shook my hand and gave me the envelope. Didn't even look in it to see how much. Just told me to write a thank you note to the sister on his behalf. This was my second year at Bethel and was dirt poor. That gift went a long way.
This might explain one of the reasons I am bothered when I see the personal attacks made against individuals. I knew these people and saw their good sides too.
It is easier to hate an unseen enemy.