All Along the Watchtower, obviously.
"There must be some way out of here..."
what song takes you back there?.
here's mine:
All Along the Watchtower, obviously.
"There must be some way out of here..."
so the cult is getting into film production.
i saw evans piece on the jws opening a studio in australia.
one thing i see is if they use the people who are drawn to acting one they will create internal stars.
Rocketman - "Actually I'm in the opinion that when people visually see the great FDSL ones speak they may be more accepting to what the glorified spiritual ones say, in other words better brainwashing."
I just got the weirdest slogan image in my head... "Jehovah's Witnesses: Better Blessedness Through Brainwashing"
Seriously, though, I'm sort of on that page, too...
...Stephen Lett is the first example to come to mind. After all, the rest of the Crazy Eight have gotta know just how fucking ridiculous the guy sounds, but they still put him on.
The only reason for that (that makes any sense to me) is that he's gotta be some kind of litmus test...
...they realize if a dutiful rank-and-filer can drink Letto the Clown's Kool-Aid and still say "please, sir, can I have some more" and mean it...
...the Org's got him for life.
so the cult is getting into film production.
i saw evans piece on the jws opening a studio in australia.
one thing i see is if they use the people who are drawn to acting one they will create internal stars.
Like I've said before...
...the Org should produce a true-to-the-text adaptation of the Revelation Climax book (after the JesusVision miniseries is finished... shared universes are all the rage, now, after all).
I swear, it'd be the most fucked-up, batshit-crazy-looking thing ever seen.
jehovah’s witnesses facing norway data regulator’s privacy audit.
Jeezus, it's getting to the point where it's weird if the Org isn't in some kind of trouble with the law.
i remember knowing some jws that expressed their own personal viewpoints regarding what a scripture meant that was at odds with society teachings.
in the 60 and 70’s, that was pretty much tolerated until the great purge in 1979 and 1980. as a matter of fact, it wasn’t unusual for witnesses to get together and discuss personal questions and viewpoints they might have.
it wasn’t unusual to send letters to the society asking what was considered the right or wrong view.
Although I hadn't known at the time.
i know a lot of witnesses that drink a lot!
secret sins people would confess to the elders were masturbation, dating and touching certain areas and anger issues.
some fathers/husbands looked like model figures until you heard from the family that the dictator ms were horrible at home in more ways than one..
Aaaaand now I have an image in my head of the nastiest drinking game ever.
Thanks for that. 🤨
since all the leftist idiots are trying to cancel films they don't like i am buying some dvds of my fav.
pi films.
my favorite top pick is animal house.
Again, Idiocracy.
“he who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that.
his reasons may be good, and no one may have been able to refute them.
but if he is equally unable to refute the reasons on the opposite side, if he does not so much as know what they are, he has no ground for preferring either opinion... nor is it enough that he should hear the opinions of adversaries from his own teachers, presented as they state them, and accompanied by what they offer as refutations.
BluesBrother - " is all selected and filtered through the WT teachings."
Once again, for the newbies, lurkers, and trolls...
...if you have to cheat to defend your beliefs, your beliefs don't deserve to be defended.
i know a lot of witnesses that drink a lot!
secret sins people would confess to the elders were masturbation, dating and touching certain areas and anger issues.
some fathers/husbands looked like model figures until you heard from the family that the dictator ms were horrible at home in more ways than one..
minimus - "What 'secret sins' do you think many JWs are 'guilty' of?"
...all of 'em?
not having to adhere to man made rules and regulations.
not being afraid of maybe “stumbling “ someone..
The freedom to come to a logic- and reason-based conclusion (no matter what that conclusion turns out to be)...
...without feeling hamstrung by ideology.