Creationists’ arguments against evolution are all moot, IMO.
On a fundamental level, they reject it for ideological reasons, not scientific ones.
some interesting quotes from evolutionists.
natural history, vol.
' new scientist, vol.
Creationists’ arguments against evolution are all moot, IMO.
On a fundamental level, they reject it for ideological reasons, not scientific ones.
so about a month in to biden's presidency and they are already bombing a country.. remind me how trump was going to bring about wwiii with north korea, iran, china and god knows who else?
did he?
no.. but straight back to business as usual for the military industrial complex and crickets from their media buddies..
i have heard a few whispers that once again they are going to be changing the generation teaching.
does anybody have on info on this?.
i would love to be able to hit my family with a. .
Some Biblical historians have suggested that Sodom was leveled as punishment for their tolerance of violence and refusal to extend hospitality to strangers.
why all the flipflops?.
1886 sodomites resurrected = yes!“thus our lord teaches that the sodomites did not have a full opportunity; and he guarantees them such opportunity… it implies their awakening, their coming from the tomb.”—the divine plan of the ages, 1886, pp.
110-111 (view pdf of these pages).
"Watchtower Changes Position On Sodomites"
Is this really so surprising?
I'm sure "sodomites" change positions from time to time, after all.
i know a lot of witnesses that drink a lot!
secret sins people would confess to the elders were masturbation, dating and touching certain areas and anger issues.
some fathers/husbands looked like model figures until you heard from the family that the dictator ms were horrible at home in more ways than one..
JW GoneBad - "...they'd rather be dealing with an outbreak of immorality or pedophiles..."
Well, they're spoiled for choice, then, aren't they?
so many changes in the 2013 nwt seem needless and spoil familiar phrases.
take isaiah 41:10 in the nwt classic rendering:.
do not be afraid, for i am with you.
smiddy3 - "I really dont see the point in them revising the Bible as they do? To make more money?"
An important rule of thumb to remember... every decision the Org makes...
...every decision... geared (to varying degrees) towards reinforcing the fiction of "God's Exclusive Earthly Organization".
Sure, money's a factor, but only insofar as it serves that overarching purpose.
so many changes in the 2013 nwt seem needless and spoil familiar phrases.
take isaiah 41:10 in the nwt classic rendering:.
do not be afraid, for i am with you.
"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain..."
so the cult is getting into film production.
i saw evans piece on the jws opening a studio in australia.
one thing i see is if they use the people who are drawn to acting one they will create internal stars.
Know what's really funny?
Lett probably wouldn't even realize the show was for kids.
so the cult is getting into film production.
i saw evans piece on the jws opening a studio in australia.
one thing i see is if they use the people who are drawn to acting one they will create internal stars.
Stephen Lett should host a JWTV show specifically aimed at Witness kids.
He's already a weird-ass mashup of Applewhite and Mr. Rogers.
i have heard a few whispers that once again they are going to be changing the generation teaching.
does anybody have on info on this?.
i would love to be able to hit my family with a. .
This suggests to me that the WTS has allowed itself to become too married to its cosmology for its own good.
Instead of letting (what should be) obvious theological mistakes just fade away like they used to...
...they double-down...
...and inevitably end up being even more wrong than they were before (not to mention paint themselves into ever-tighter ideological corners).