I’d have thought that all the times they’ve been hopelessly, hilariously wrong was proof enough. 😏
Posts by Vidiot
Prove That Jehovah’s Witnesses Do Not Have The “Truth”
by minimus insomeone is researching jehovah’s witnesses.
they happen to come on to this site.
do the witnesses have the truth??.
Just found out Chris Stuckmann is ex-JW
by LoveUniHateExams inchris stuckmann is a youtube reviewer of films and aspiring film maker himself.. he has over a million subscribers to his channel.
in my ignorance, i've always been a bit jealous of successful youtubers, including stuckmann - y'know, 'they make loads of money, life must be great for them.'.
and then i found out chris stuckmann used to be a jw, was born into it, and walked away from it.. he says in this video that even now, his dad will probably never speak to him again for telling all about his past.. well, all the best, chris stuckmann!.
LoveUniHateExams - “He says in this video that even now, his dad will probably never speak to him again for telling all about his past.”
”Though shalt not air the Society’s dirty laundry.”
Accepting the reason why the Watchtower Corporation and its top leaders are endeavored to brainwash people
by Rocketman123 intaking a close look at the operation of the jws religion you can observe technics of brainwashing orchestrated through the literature the wts publishes for its members such as the watchtower .. everything these men have done had calculating agendas, which were to firstly attract attention to the literature they published, to cultivate power toward themselves, to intentionally take control over people's lives and of course draw in money.. brainwashing (also known as mind control, menticide, coercive persuasion, thought control, thought reform, and re-education) is the concept that the human mind can be altered or controlled by certain psychological techniques.
brainwashing is said to reduce its subjects' ability to think critically or independently,[1] to allow the introduction of new, unwanted thoughts and ideas into their minds,[2] as well as to change their attitudes, values and beliefs.
Quite simply, the constant, neverending conditioning is required because it’s the only thing that’ll override...
a) ...simple observation...
b) ...genuinely authentic evidence, and...
c) ...basic fucking common sense.
Watchtower Change On Origins from 42,000 Years to the "Day Age" Theory
by Sea Breeze indoes anyone know when and how the change took place?
is the "day age" theory still the current position of watchtower?.
Let’s be honest folks...
...the only reason the WTS doesn’t still teach that the “Creative Days” were a fixed 7,000 years each is because at this point, it’s so demonstrably wrong that they’d look like idiots.
Why do some people who were trapped in the WT and wake up, still believe in the Bible God who allowed them to be deceived for years.
by pistolpete inwhy do some people who were trapped in the wt and wake up after much frustration and anger that they were lied to, still believe in the bible god who allowed them and their families to be deceived and trapped for years.
i have an acquaintance who is a lot older than me and for the past 30 years he has been out of the watchtower religion and is sola scriptura.
sola scriptura is a theological doctrine that posits the christian scriptures as the sole infallible source of authority for christian faith and practice.
truth_b_known - "The Catholic Church openly accepts evolution. Much of the Old Testament is looked at as merely allegorical works that contain some wisdom."
Unsurprisingly, the WTS has held this up as "proof" that Catholicism is a "false religion". If the RCC sad "zig", the WTS would zag.
Ban on Independent Meetings
by lssjr insource - march 2021 announcements - - https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5085868283920384/2021-march-147-english-german-announcements-reminders.
this is a sobering reminder of what happened some 40 years ago when raymond franz and others were literally kicked out from the jehovah's witnesses for having pre-arranged private spiritual discussions.lesson: paragraph 7 is another example of the i and t in dr. steven hassan's bite model of the 21st century cult - information and thought control at its best!!!!
"my gosh, there must be a lot of independent meetings these days.
a) ...the Crazy Eight must be fucking terrified of apostates at this point, or...
b) ...they love being on TV so much by now that the prospect of a JW group not watching them threatens to break their brains.
My old congregation still have nothing to show for all their efforts.
by RULES & REGULATIONS inin the year 2000, our congregation decided to split into three separate congregations because of growth.
there were 186 members.
the kingdom hall had only 190 seats.
Just remember folks...
...even though the Org can sell off KHs to stay afloat, sooner or later, the family silver runs out.
Australia: Jehovah’s Witnesses to join redress scheme for child sexual abuse survivors
by yalbmert99 inaustralia: jehovah’s witnesses to join redress scheme for child sexual abuse survivors.
@ yalbmert99...
To do any less would - in their view - too deeply undermine the fiction of "God's Exclusive Earthly Organization".
An exchange with a JW about the blood doctrine.
by Giles Gray ini recently had an online exchange with an active jw about the blood issue.
he originally wanted to talk about the potential dangers of transfusions but i pointed out that the risks of transfusions have nothing whatsoever to do with the reason that jws reject blood, and therefore i didn’t see any value in debating that topic.. not able to let it go, he then insisted that the blood mandate was a common theme throughout the bible, quoting acts 15:29.. it’s been a while since i looked into the subject, and i admit i’m now a little rusty when it comes to recalling where to find biblical quotes, but i remembered that there are passages in both the new and old testaments that, when read in the context of the time they were written, call into question the watchtower’s rendition of acts 15:29.. i offered to do some bible research and get back to the jw, suggesting that rather than letting our discussion become combative, we could have an informative and interesting exchange of ideas.
i reassured him that i was not looking to undermine his convictions, in fact i was more than happy to be corrected if my thinking was wrong.
Giles Gray - "I think the Watchtower is stuck with this doctrine. If they were to step back from that position now, and make their stand on blood a conscience issue, the lawsuits against them would be overwhelming. I believe that they know their position on blood is incorrect but they need to maintain that stance for fear of litigation."
That's partly it, but I also think an even bigger reason is that reversing it is tantamount to admitting they were wrong to have it in the first place...
...and they'd rather gargle with broken glass.
Why do some people who were trapped in the WT and wake up, still believe in the Bible God who allowed them to be deceived for years.
by pistolpete inwhy do some people who were trapped in the wt and wake up after much frustration and anger that they were lied to, still believe in the bible god who allowed them and their families to be deceived and trapped for years.
i have an acquaintance who is a lot older than me and for the past 30 years he has been out of the watchtower religion and is sola scriptura.
sola scriptura is a theological doctrine that posits the christian scriptures as the sole infallible source of authority for christian faith and practice.
Also, don't forget that to varying degrees, all of their unique interpretations are geared towards reinforcing the fiction of "God's Exclusive Earthly Organization"...
...without which - by their own internal standards and rhetoric - they have virtually no legitimate reason or right to even exist.