The Org can never budge on evolution.
Genesis-as-literal-history is too deeply baked into WT cosmology.
so i grew up as a witness but i’m no longer active, i have some family that still practices very seriously.
but i don’t want to ask them my question.
but what does the bible and teaching’s of jw’s say about early hominids?
The Org can never budge on evolution.
Genesis-as-literal-history is too deeply baked into WT cosmology.
regardless of belief/non-belief in the bible account, why is the ark nearly always depicted by both believers & non-believers as a huge boat, with a rounded hull & stern, and a tapered bow? .
the ark was crate shaped according to the measurements.
I still find it funny that Ken Hamm’s ark needed modern, state-of-the-art construction technology to build.
as 1975 was approaching, many witnesses sold their property.
do you know about specific cases that are willing to share their experience of doing so?.
TonysOH - “…If Armageddon will come when it is least expected, then it will never happen for JWs. They are in constant expectation of it…”
And they’re specifically told to be in “constant expectation” of it.
on halloween night, police arrested two people who were dressed up individually as a battery and a firework rocket.
they charged one and let the other off.. police in london are investigating the theft of dogs throughout the city.. they don't have any leads.. i found a large box filled with kodak 35 mm camera film, and handed it in to the police.. they said they'd let me know if there were any developments.. police recovered a valuable stolen microscope.. they say they're looking into it.. yorkshire police can't establish what's wrong with the sat-navs in their new fleet of squad cars.. they're still looking for leeds.. police are investigating the theft of a perpetual motion device.
they say it's an ongoing inquiry.. the old ones are the best!
I like a lot of Brit comedians.
It’s weird…
…I tried reading “The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy” way back when I was a young guy, and couldn’t get it.
A few years later, though, I watched the BBC miniseries, and laughed my ass off.
Reattemped the novels, and couldn’t put them down.
Go figure.
i recently married my best friend of 32 years.
she is a life-long jw and once an active pioneer, i am a 'worldly' person through-and-through, always will be.
we married because it was the only way we could find a way of staying together while giving her a path back to her religion ultimately, which she does not want to (or cannot) let go of.
How the hell does a JW loyalist maintain a close thirty-year friendship with a “worldly” person?
why is it important to some that god only have one visible organization to represent him on earth?
why is it important to jehovah's witnesses that people recognize their organization as such?
what makes a witness more moral or righteous or save-worthy if they accept that it is his one and only organization?
Honestly, I think it’s even simpler.
At this point (despite what any loyalist will insist), the everyday, mundane, boots-on-the-ground aspects of being a JW aren’t particularly appealing.
Affiliation with “God’s Exclusive Earthly Organization” is really the only half-tangible incentive left.
Case in point; how many of us here started planning our WTexit (consciously or otherwise) the moment we realized it wasn’t?
i think it's been a while since this was asked.
tell us your hobbies, interests, pastimes, whatever you find enjoyable as a diversion from work and school.
i am lucky enough to live in a small cabin on a lake, i enjoy rowing my old boat and fishing, i play with car projects, and we travel as much as we can.
Trolling. 🤪
how do you get out of watchtower?
am i supposed to write letter to bethel or local congregation telling them i don't want to be a jw anymore?
how are the steps.
If you happen to move, don’t tell ‘em or leave any kind of forwarding address.
admittedly it 90% crap over there but still they are up to 80k in subscribers.
over here it's the same half dozen or so that posts something, including myself.
why is that?.
Growth = God’s blessing!!!!
there seems to be no end to the many jw's who sexually abused minors.
here is another story:.
What Thomas and Phizzy said.
A cornerstone of the WTS’s entire reason for existence is the fiction of “God’s Exclusive Earthly Organization”.
Undermine that too deeply, and that existence is threatened.
And nothing undermines it more than evidence - i.e. admission via their own internal correspondence - that sex crimes were repeatedly occurring and being swept under the rug, all the way up the Watchtower hierarchy, for decades…
…and that - most egregiously - the Org’s so-called “Biblical” policies for dealing with it were making the problem worse rather than better.