…the supreme being of the universe has dissociative personality disorder.
…actually explains a thing or two.
psalm 110:1 (niv) “the lord says to my lord: “sit at my right hand until i make your enemies a footstool for your feet.”” .
psalm 110:1 (trv) “the lord god almighty says to a third of himself: “sit at my/our right hands until i make our/your enemies a footstool for our/your feet.”” (but don't tell the other third) .
…the supreme being of the universe has dissociative personality disorder.
…actually explains a thing or two.
occult un forces seek to hijack religion for globalism. does not look like religions dominate un but the other way around.
journalist alex newman gives a totally different picture about the real state of affairs.
“Everything is proof we’re right! Even the stuff that contradicts the other stuff!!!”
new cases:.
diaz case, filed on 10/21/2020 by zalkin law firm - two plaintiffs abused (here and hereinafter - allegedly) by two ministerial servants in 1970s.. iglesias case, filed on 10/19/2020 by eisenberg & baum, llp against various nyc and wt entities - abused by an "elder john doe" and "[travelling] overseer john" in 1970s and 1980s.. aldridge case, filed 10/06/2020 by zalkin law firm - abused by a congregation elder in 1970s.. older cases:.
tarry case (no 1 and no 2), filed on 09/17/2019 and 07/23/2020 by parker waichman llp - abused by a publisher in 1984. very weak case.
What I still scratch my head trying to figure out is just how the hell any Org rep can possibly expect the secular authorities to not hold the GB responsible when the vast majority of ‘em can’t even tie their fucking shoelaces without the Crazy Eight’s “direction”.
“Filthy JW nonce. Drunken sot TOMO the turd will protect the Organisations (tm) reputation because they are nonce lovers. I hope the governing body (tm) are raided too. Dirty nonces. I loathe them. If it was my grand kids, I'd be on the warpath. It's about time they were all on trial with no kid gloves. Capital punishment for those drunken filth.”
Gosh, Punk, don’t hold back… tell us how you really feel. 😏
occult un forces seek to hijack religion for globalism. does not look like religions dominate un but the other way around.
journalist alex newman gives a totally different picture about the real state of affairs.
After a lifetime of old Freddy Franz’ Cold-War-centric End Times script painting the UN as Darth Sidious’ Galactic Empire, realizing that it was an essentially toothless, dialed-up debating forum was a huge wake-up moment for me.
over the years, i have found it helpful to see the similarites between jw's and mormons to help me understand what happened to me and my family as jw's.
robert bryan discusses this in one of the best presentations i have heard on the topic. .
Like I keep saying, the LDS is the WTS’s nicer but weirder older cousin.
i haven’t seen anything in the news lately and wt position remains the same, so no change.
except, that when there is massive blood loss, my family mds have told me that without a bt there is practically zero chance of pulling through—short of an act of god.
jw know this and have decided beforehand.
“Any news on blood?”
You’re the apologist, Fish…
…you tell me.
for the same reasons jw's reject christmas they use the name jehovah.. dec 25 is the recognized day to celebrate the birth of christ in the world.- we use jehovah because it is the recognized name of the father in the world.. it dishonors jesus because we don't know the actual date of jesus birth- even though we don't know the actual pronouncing of gods name it brings honor to god to use it.
even though the angels rejoiced at the birth of jesus, no where in the bible does it say we should celebrate it.
even though no where in the bible does it say christians are to be witnesses of jehovah, we proudly bear his name!.
It’s all bout socially isolating members from non-members.
i have seen arguments surrounding jesus' resurrection being proof of "the trinity" - now while in some cases it's a good argument the evidence for it remains very weak.
(bible quotes are from the nwt but other bibles are referenced, use whichever you please) this following version of it is a good example.. "the bible indicates that all [persons] of the trinity was involved in jesus’ resurrection.
galatians[1:1] says that the father raised jesus from the dead.
“Who raised Jesus from the dead?”
new cases:.
diaz case, filed on 10/21/2020 by zalkin law firm - two plaintiffs abused (here and hereinafter - allegedly) by two ministerial servants in 1970s.. iglesias case, filed on 10/19/2020 by eisenberg & baum, llp against various nyc and wt entities - abused by an "elder john doe" and "[travelling] overseer john" in 1970s and 1980s.. aldridge case, filed 10/06/2020 by zalkin law firm - abused by a congregation elder in 1970s.. older cases:.
tarry case (no 1 and no 2), filed on 09/17/2019 and 07/23/2020 by parker waichman llp - abused by a publisher in 1984. very weak case.
‘Course they can’t.
To do so undermines said Organization’s legitimacy and authority too deeply.