BluesBrother - “…they like to call themselves sheep…”
Ironic, really…
…considering a sheep’s ultimate fate is being sheared, butchered, and eaten.
here are some things i never really believed the jw taught...i just didn't really examine it closely.
i shelved it, so to speak, thinking no one is perfect and they know more than me...if i ever thought about it at all.. i never believed that only jws would be spared at armageddon.
i never believed the where in james, you went to the elders to confess being spiritually sick-always thought that referred to a real illness.
BluesBrother - “…they like to call themselves sheep…”
Ironic, really…
…considering a sheep’s ultimate fate is being sheared, butchered, and eaten.
here are some things i never really believed the jw taught...i just didn't really examine it closely.
i shelved it, so to speak, thinking no one is perfect and they know more than me...if i ever thought about it at all.. i never believed that only jws would be spared at armageddon.
i never believed the where in james, you went to the elders to confess being spiritually sick-always thought that referred to a real illness.
enoughisenough - “…If I had read the Bible and really thought about what I read without the WT filters, I would not have bought into the Faithful Slave at all...”
I suspect that if you had read the Bible and really thought about what you read without the WT filters, you would not have bought into any aspect of JW ideology.
why do jehovah’s witnesses say they are god’s organization so matter of factly as though such an audacious claim is an undisputable fact?
here is how one person sees this claim.. "the entire jehovah’s witness religion is founded on unsubstantiated hubristic claims which are continually repeated until they are assumed by adherents to be a proven fact.. never is this more evident than when the beliefs of a jehovah’s witness are successfully challenged.
the more compelling the evidence against them, the more they resort to repeating their convictions with a sense of insistence, as if they are chanting a mantra.. confirmation bias is prevalent in all religious ideologies, but particularly with jehovah’s witnesses.
Why would He even need one?
the claim that russia blew up its own pipeline functions, whether intentionally or not, as a test of our collective intelligence, and it’s worrisome how many fail the test.
as a former pentagon official put it, “a child could tell you that doesn’t make sense”.
they talk a lot about russian propaganda and suppression of their media, which i don’t doubt for a minute.
“If I can’t have it, no one can!!!”
why do you think many jws are hostile and rude?
or is that just my imagination?.
mark jones writes: the vast majority of jehovah’s witnesses are nice people.
LongHairGal - “They already know in their hearts that something is wrong there.”
Case in point: me.
I didn’t come here for answers; I came for confirmation.
Reading XJW material on the net doesn’t turn you into an apostate… it just helps you realize you already are one.
why do you think many jws are hostile and rude?
or is that just my imagination?.
mark jones writes: the vast majority of jehovah’s witnesses are nice people.
“Hope deferred makes the heart sick.”
the claim that russia blew up its own pipeline functions, whether intentionally or not, as a test of our collective intelligence, and it’s worrisome how many fail the test.
as a former pentagon official put it, “a child could tell you that doesn’t make sense”.
they talk a lot about russian propaganda and suppression of their media, which i don’t doubt for a minute.
At this point, I wouldn’t put anything past Putin.
The guy’s a living, breathing, real-life Bond villain.
have you guys noticed, this year 2023 no more public edition magazines...i wonder how they are gonna spin that fact.
Wow. It really is the end of an era.
Can’t help but wonder if this is yet another example of circling-the-wagons-slash-closing-ranks.
After all, the fewer publications there are, the less material is available to be offered door-to-door, the less door-to-door work can be done, and the less any halfway-knowledgeable householder can ask uncomfortable questions to those going door-to-door.
i just read about a disfellowshipped person who was looking for other disfellowshipped persons to socialize with.
what does the org have to say about this?.
ThomasMore - “As I recall, the C.O. felt that DF'd persons should have NO ASSOCIATION WITH ANYONE. That seemed particularly cruel to me!”
Not to mention a perfect recipe for eventual paranoia and psychosis.
i wonder how many are like me staying pimo for the great association and gathering etc.
also find it very interesting having a front row seat watching the collapse of borg.. im not wasting any more time or money on anything i don’t want to do like preaching and mostly just go on zoom .
there is nothing i want to do that would be considered disfellowshiping sin, i’m married and want to live by bible principles but i have serious doubts that the gb were chosen by god and are his one and only spokesmen on earth.
Why is this thread still going?
I honestly thought the original thread title was meant sarcastically.
What “benefits”? 🙄