148,040 victims over the period of 1975-2014. one molester/cong...holySH*T Batman!!!
Before following your research into this, Marvin, I had in the back of my mind - MAYBE 100k but no more than 110k victims (just 'shootin' from the hip') but 148,040 victims over the period of 1975-2014 - Unbelievable!!
Wt makes it sound like pedophilia is their top priority in that 2002 article. But the truth is they have excerbated the problem with their cover up policies. Thankfully, the ARC has taken a stand now and said: "YOUNG LIVES MATTER"!
Child abuse is a matter that should be addressed by governments in every country all over the world. The ball is rolling now and over time it will have an effect. The shallow discourse of WT and others like them is being overshadowed by public demand now.